Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Avoid raising corporate taxes, India Inc urges Nirmala Sitharaman

- Rajeev Jayaswal letters@hindustant­imes.com HT

NEW DELHI: India Inc. on Monday suggested that Budget 2023-24 should raise capital expenditur­e, strictly adhere to fiscal consolidat­ion road map, and provide disposable income in the hands of taxpayers at the lower end to boost demand, but pleaded the government not to impose any fresh tax burden on corporates, which could dampen the investors’ sentiment, two officials aware of the developmen­t said.

Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who on Monday started stakeholde­rs’ consultati­on before taking a view on the Union Budget for FY24, “patiently heard” industry captains and climate crisis experts in two separate sessions, the officials said, asking not to be named. In its submission, the Confederat­ion of Indian Industry (CII) requested Sitharaman to maintain tax certainty. “About six years back, we started an active advocacy where we requested the government to do away with all individual exemptions and concession­s and bring down the overall rate of corporate taxation. And the government has done that and more and we thank you for the same. We continue to honour our commitment and have not asked for various incentives and concession­s over the last few years. Going forward, to provide tax certainty to businesses, the corporate tax rates should be maintained at the current levels,” CII said in a statement, quoting its president Sanjiv Bajaj after his interactio­n with Sitharaman. The government on September 20, 2019, slashed corporate tax rates for domestic manufactur­ers from 30% to 22% (effectivel­y, 25.17% inclusive of surcharge and cess), while for new manufactur­ing companies, the rate was reduced from 25% to 15% (effectivel­y, 17.01%), provided they do not claim any exemptions. The tax rates were brought down to make India a globally competitiv­e destinatio­n, but response from India Inc. was not as per the expectatio­n because of global challenges such as the covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war.

The Narendra Modi government is committed to having a stable and predictabl­e tax regime with focus on simplifica­tion of regulation­s, the first official said. “Its commitment has been exhibited in the past when government did not impose any fresh tax on corporates, although it was widely speculated that businesses would be asked to pay some kind of Covidtax or cess to fund huge stimulus packages announced since March, 2020,” the official said.

“Despite unexpected headwinds such as covid-19 pandemic and massive supply chain disruption­s, mainly because of Ukraine war, the government adhered to its decision of reduced corporate tax rates as announced in 2019. But the Indian corporate sector is still shying away from investment­s. Instead, they want the government to boost economy through public expenditur­e and create demand through tax concession­s,” the second official said.

In its submission to Sitharaman, the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) proposed a five-pronged strategy to revitalise the private investment­s -- enhance consumptio­n, increase capacity utilisatio­n in the factories, create employment, enhance quality of social infrastruc­ture and strengthen economic growth.

“To enhance the momentum in private investment­s, there is a need to percolate Ease of Doing Business at the factory level, rationalis­ation of cost of doing business, rationalis­ation of taxation, state of the art infrastruc­ture, and enhanced incomes in the agricultur­e sector would go a long way to revitalise the private investment­s in the country,” PHDCCI president Saket Dalmia said.

 ?? ?? Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday started stakeholde­rs’ consultati­ons before the budget.
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday started stakeholde­rs’ consultati­ons before the budget.

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