Hindustan Times - Brunch

“My 2am friend? My mum!”

Rohan Vinod Mehra Actor, 30


Rohan Vinod Mehra’s stock registered a strong impression when he went toeto-toe against an actor like Saif Ali Khan in the share-market saga, Bazaar (2018).

Films drew Rohan like a magnet though his father actor Vinod Mehra passed away months before he was born. Raised by his mother in Mombasa, a small beach town in Kenya, he completed a bachelors degree in Mathematic­al Economics and Econometri­cs at the University of Nottingham in England. But he was active in the university’s filmmaking society and acted-directed in student films, sending them to film festivals around the country.

Rohan has played the guitar since as far back as he remembers. “It has become a big part of who I am; it is therapeuti­c.” His eclectic taste in music encompasse­s both Indian and western classical music, funk, blues, soul, jazz and even some hip-hop. He enthuses, “I also love clicking photograph­s. I tend to drift towards street photograph­y and portraitur­e.” —DINESH RAHEJA

List three things nobody knows about you.

1. I’m addicted to coffee.

2. I grew up in Kenya, East Africa.

3. I don’t like cherry tomatoes.

What do you keep on your bedside table?

The book I’m reading, a small-sized guitar and my laptop.

What’s one thing which you don’t have on your bedside table but would like to have?

A clock with an alarm. I rely on my phone too much.

Is the cellphone on your bedside? How long can you stay without checking it?

Yes, it is. If I’m playing my guitar, I can go hours without checking it. These days, I'm playing James Brown and Freddie King.

What do you read in bed?

Always a novel. Classic or contempora­ry literature. My most recent reads—White Teeth by Zadie Smith and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Do you need white noise to fall asleep?

Yes. I usually listen to music on my headphones or have a YouTube video playing in the background.

Which is your preferred side of the bed?

Strangely, I find myself sleeping diagonally!

Describe yourself in a hashtag.


In Bed With is a weekly column that puts personal questions to your favourite stars, and serves you a reminder: after Brunch on Sundays, it’s time to go back to bed!

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