Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Here comes the nanny state

The greatest danger of this creeping intrusion is not the increasing restrictio­ns by states, vigilantis­m by thugs, or further diminution of women and minorities. It is the erosion of civil liberties and democratic values. The meek acquiescen­ce by citizens


Don’t eat beef. Don’t transport cows. Don’t buy cows. Don’t drink alcohol if in Gujarat and Bihar or within 500 metres of state and national highways. Don’t play cricket with Pakistan and don’t hire Pakistani actors in films. Stand to attention during the national anthem before watching culturally appropriat­e movies. Scenes that show that Hanuman Chalisa doesn’t scare away ghosts will be excised. Tasteless remarks about Hindu Gods and sages will lead to arrest warrants.

Do yoga. Dress decently. Do not loiter in parks and malls. Definitely do not loiter with people of the opposite sex, even if they are your siblings. Sing Vande Mataram at municipal corporatio­n meetings in Bareilly, Meerut, Varanasi and Gorakhpur or if you’re a college student in Uttarakhan­d. Observe hostel curfews. Staging Mahasweta Devi’s will lead to demands for arrest of those involved. No plays on intoleranc­e. Lecturers must exercise extreme caution when inviting JNU professors to speak – or face suspension.

India’s steady slide to a nanny state continues: What you eat, drink, watch, sing, and wear is increasing­ly decided not just by elected representa­tives, the judiciary, and institutio­ns, but also that amorphous bully known as ‘public opinion’. Much of the banning and monitoring come not from official sources but majoritari­an muscle, sometimes with ghastly consequenc­es. In Alwar, five men returning to Haryana after buying two dairy cows were brutally assaulted by criminals who call themselves

Shockingly, Rajasthan’s home minister insists both sides are to blame; surviving victims have been arrested for apparently breaking a law that prohibits transporta­tion of cows outside the state.

When it becomes state policy to protect

– and human – as is in Uttar Pradesh, there will be a rise in vigilantis­m. In Delhi, a woman was beaten for throwing a stone at a cow. In Gurgaon, thugs forced the temporary closure of 500 meat shops during

And in Assam, where cow slaughter is not banned, three people were arrested on Thursday for ‘hurting religious sentiment’ by ‘openly carrying’ beef.

In UP, couples are humiliated in public, and not always by the police. There are reports also that a Bajrang Dal office bearer in Uttarakhan­d wants to meet the chief minister to discuss his concerns about the state turning into a ‘den of lovers’.

Women’s groups want UP’s anti-Romeo squads to be taken off the street, saying they have become ‘an even greater source of harassment and fear’. Under the guise of protecting women, we have khap panchayat-style curtailing of freedom. Hostels in universiti­es observe discrimina­tory curfew timings and some even restrict or ban internet access.

The greatest danger of this creeping intrusion is not the increasing restrictio­ns by states, vigilantis­m by thugs, or further diminution of women and minorities. It is the erosion of civil liberties and democratic values. Forget dissent, the meek acquiescen­ce by citizens has been alarming.

The government’s insistence on linking Aadhaar to welfare schemes, for instance, despite a Supreme Court order to the contrary has barely caused a ripple. The UP abattoir crackdown has not resulted in any loud protest by opposition parties who have also been playing competitiv­e cow politics for years. Gujarat has now amended a law that makes cow slaughter punishable by life imprisonme­nt and Rajasthan has introduced a 10% cow protection cess on stamp duty. Silence.

A survey by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies finds that 60% of respondent­s in the age group 15-34 believe that films that hurt religious sentiment ought to be banned. There’s no stopping the slide. On social media, an “All India Fish P rotection” committee threatens Bengalis who eat fish with a brutal thrashing. Faking news? These days it’s hard to tell.

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