Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Celebrate spirit of sharing this Christmas

- Ritu Kamra Kumar

Celebrate December, a month that is unique as it is a bridge between the events of the past year and a transition to the new cycle. It is a joy to be able to celebrate various festivals as most of them are now getting a global tinge. So the gleeful spirit of Christmas has set in! In the words of poet Thomas Tusser, “At Christmas make a good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.”

Christmas in Bethlehem: The ancient legend, a cold clear night made brilliant by a glorious star, the smell of incense, shepherds and wise men falling to knees in adoration of the sweet baby, the incarnatio­n of perfect love. Religious fervour infuses eclectic gusto as there is nothing more magical than the exquisite Christmas tree, dazzling illuminati­on, baubles and extensive menus, brimming pots of wine, chocolates and cakes mellowed with creamed butter dollops of winter sunshine, family and friends to brighten up life.

Christmas season always brings back childhood memories when a nativity scene was set out in the school but it was not as big as to overshadow the gifts for kids. If there was a lifesized animatroni­c baby Jesus wailing in the corner as Christmas carols played in the background, it still won’t deflect attention from the presents. With gifts in our hands, we could feel the softness of a real stocking around our arm. The holiday spirit was evident in our wintry warm and welcoming cheers!

At home too, Christmas was exciting and elating. I waited for Santa to come and fulfil our wish list, keeping the socks and impatientl­y waiting for him to fill them up! But my best Christmas started when I started playing Santa to my son. His glowing eyes and ringing laughter at the sight of his favourite toys; tiny cars, GI Joes lying under his pillow made our day as he felt he was the favourite kid of Santa Claus.

Times have changed. We have shopping mall festivals now. Each Christmas as we watch our kids unwrap the toys and gadgets that some faceless multinatio­nal corporatio­n or others sneakily persuaded them to buy, we do worry are we sporting our next generation and debasing the noble spirit of the festival? Huge bill boards, advertisin­g sales, commercial­s selling us message that true joy is directly proportion­al to all the price tag on the gift and accumulati­ng more things is not merely need but wanted also.

Where is the peace on earth and goodwill towards men and all that Christmas stuff? We ask ourselves. I feel nostalgic about what life was before the age of bling. Can lavish splurging substitute the simplicity and slow pace of life which instilled in us honesty, humility and hope. It is hard to find now in a selfie-obsessed selfish world.

Well, giving may be steeped in consumeris­m and capitalism yet it is the language of love and empathy. The spirit of Yuletide brings with it pleasant surprises of hope and miracle of gifts. Jesus is God’s gift, a feeling which illuminate­s the soul. Every time we give, we love, it is Christmas.

Christmas is not a definition, a season but love in action, a spirit of sharing, a sense of forbearanc­e and forgivenes­s. So with good conscience, rekindle the fire of hospitalit­y and genial flame of charity in the heart. Make your little beginning, ride the festive spirit and sing with Helen Steiner Rice, “Bless us Lord, this Christmas with the quietness of the mind, Teach us to be patient and kind.” Merry Christmas to all!


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