Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Why peace will continue to be elusive in Kabul

The donor constituen­cy has to stay the course since the road ahead for Afghanista­n’s reconstruc­tion is arduous


Ahigh-level internatio­nal conference on Afghanista­n opened in Tashkent on March 26, even as Kabul is still recovering from an Islamic State (IS) led terror attack that killed 32 people in the capital on March 21. Just two days later, a car bomb in Helmand killed 14 innocents. The death toll increases in Afghanista­n and, alas, occurs so often that it is often ignored in the global news cycles.

Tashkent will see all the major powers and the UN on board and India will be represente­d by the minister of state for external affairs, MJ Akbar. The conference opens against a backdrop of complex challenges that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has to deal with on the domestic front, including a deteriorat­ing internal security situation. In the end of January, the local Taliban carried out a heinous terror attack in Kabul using an ambulance bomb that killed more than a hundred innocent victims. Clearly, the Afghan security forces are unable to cope with the twin challenge posed by the Taliban and now the IS cadres.

The Ghani-led National Unity Government (NUG) has morphed into a disunity government, given the irreconcil­able difference­s over power-sharing between President Ghani and chief executive, Abdullah Abdullah. This political dissonance is at the core of the fractured governance that plagues Afghanista­n and it is unlikely that the Tashkent deliberati­ons will be able to redress this fatal internal flaw.

Concurrent­ly, the Afghan quagmire has been rendered even more intractabl­e by the defiant assertion of the Taliban and the violence they have unleashed over the last 15 years – ever since the US, in a very ill-advised decision, shifted its focus from the stabilisat­ion and reconstruc­tion of Afghanista­n to Iraq on March 19, 2003.

In the last 15 years, US policy has wavered depending on the priority accorded by the White House to Afghanista­n . This war has seen the US expending many lives and money, but the irony is that the Taliban is now more entrenched in large parts of the country than it was in 2003.

American President Trump has signalled a more robust Afghan policy that has indicted Pakistan for its perfidy in abetting terror but the US is going through major internal convulsion­s with top officials being summarily dismissed. Earlier in February, the US National Intelligen­ce provided an assessment that is bleak : “The National Unity Government probably will struggle to hold long-delayed parliament­ary elections, currently scheduled for July 2018, and to prepare for a presidenti­al election in 2019.” It added that the Afghan security forces “probably will maintain control of most major population centres with coalition force support, but the intensity and geographic scope of Taliban activities will put those centres under continued strain.”

The Tashkent conference hopes to formalise the Ghani proposal to bring the Taliban into the peace process — an initiative that is fraught with many imponderab­les. At the time, New Delhi had cautiously welcomed this move and noted that “India welcomed the Afghan government’s call to armed groups to cease violence and join national peace and reconcilia­tion process that would protect the rights of all Afghans, including the women, children and the minorities”.

Whether the Taliban will be willing to lay down the gun and accept the Afghan constituti­on remains suspect if the spate of killings that have racked Kabul and beyond are any indicator. In recent days, there have been allegation­s made by the US that Moscow is providing arms to the Taliban — a charge vehemently denied by Russia — but this augurs poorly for any meaningful movement towards a violence-free Afghanista­n.

India has provided more than US $ 3 billion in developmen­t aid to Afghanista­n and remains committed to stay the course but the light at the end of the bloody Afghan tunnel is getting dimmer. One hopes that Afghanista­n will not go down the path of Syria but the probabilit­y that this welcome Uzbek initiative will lead to that elusive consensus within Afghanista­n and among its principal external interlocut­ors remains slim. The road ahead for Afghanista­n’s reconstruc­tion will be arduous and bloodsoake­d and Delhi must exhort the donor constituen­cy to stay the course for the next decade and more.

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