Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Nanak Shah Fakir producer Sikka excommunic­ated by Akal Takht

- Surjit Singh

AMRITSAR : A day before the re-release of controvers­ial film Nanak Shah Fakir, the Akal Takht — the highest Sikh temporal seat — on Thursday excommunic­ated its producer Harinder Singh Sikka for not abiding by the Takht that had ‘banned’ the movie citing that it is blasphemou­s.

Sikka had filed a civil writ petition in the Supreme Court seeking protection for screening the movie in theatres. He, however, has stated in the plea that he would not release the film in Punjab. The apex court had on April 10 okayed the re-release of the movie and directed the state government­s to ensure its smooth screening.

The movie is based on the life of the first Sikh master, Guru Nanak. The chief objection is that portrayal of the gurus or their family members in human form is a violation of Sikh tenets, though the movie claims to have only used graphic effects to outline Guru Nanak. It was released first in April 2015 and the producer was forced to withdraw it in view of protests.

Unhappy over Sikka moving the apex court, Panj Singh Sahiban (Akal Takht jathedar-led presidium of Sikh clergymen) issued a ‘hukamnama’ (religious decree) and termed the act as violation of the Takht’s decision.

“Apart from banning its release, the Akal Takht has also cancelled all letters issued earlier in connection with the movie”, said Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh.

“Ignoring the Panth sentiments, Sikka is adamant on releasing the movie and for this he has also taken legal measures,” reads the decree.

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? With Sikh high priests in tow, Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh reads out the order at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
HT PHOTO With Sikh high priests in tow, Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh reads out the order at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

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