Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Usain Bolt enthrals again, but this time off the track

- HT Correspond­ent

GOLDCOAST: He came, he saw and he conquered again. But this was not on the track. Usain Bolt spread his magic off it on Thursday. The discussion was on life after retirement, plans of a career in football and athletics in his absence. Excerpts from his press conference:

On being an inspiratio­n

I am from the rural area of Jamaica. I used to play football on the streets with anything I could find. At no point did I think I would be at this level. It is amazing to sit back now. I get messages all the time, not just from athletes, from random people saying you have inspired me to do well. I am happy to inspire people.

On doping in the sport

It is rough to see what the sport has gone through in the last few years. Doping is not helping athletes or the sport. Focus on working hard and being clean.

On whether he feels emptiness since retiring

I’m busier now that I’m retired. I travel a lot more and I’m home a lot less. I don’t get time to miss it (competing) because they (my team) keep me working, so I’m OK... for now. I will see what happens down the road.

On missing the roar and adrenalin

I’m going to miss the competitio­n and crowd because it drives me. But I have accomplish­ed everything I wanted to do, and this is why I want to move on.

On speculatio­n he’ll sign a contract with Manchester United

(Laughs). There’s no such thing right now. It’s still in the early stages, still doing trials and trying to get fit; working on a few things. But I am serious about playing football, trying to figure out which direction I am going to go. I am not linked to Manchester, but hopefully in future.

On whether his world record will be broken

Records are meant to be broken. Hopefully, it won’t be any time soon, but I feel in time some young person will come along ---- if they have the same work ethic and talent, and they want it as bad, the possibilit­y is there.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Usain Bolt during the press conference on Thursday.
REUTERS Usain Bolt during the press conference on Thursday.

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