Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Tech time out for kids with phone addiction

- Baljinder Saini

The mobile phone has not spared my seven-yearold daughter. Till some time ago, she used to eagerly wait for my rest day, which is Saturday, as she would like to go to a nearby park for playing with children. She would love to play on the rooftop of our house, enjoy the open surroundin­gs and watch the traffic from above. She would like to go the market to get her favourite eatables. But these days, her mom’s smartphone has placed her virtually under ‘house arrest’ most of the time.

Last Saturday when I asked her if she would like to accompany me for a walk to the park, she politely declined saying that she wants to finish her work. I read her face and saw that her eyes were on the mobile phone lying unattended on the bed and not on the school bag. She is always in search of her mother’s mobile phone.

Whenever the phone is lying freely on the table, bed, shelf or is being charged, she stealthily grabs it and is glued to it in no time. Video games, cartoons and tips for school work on Youtube are her favourite stuff.

It is not that she has a free hand on the mobile. Her obsession with this electronic equipment has earned her stern warnings from her mom and me. I have also told her that I’ll complain to her teacher. Afraid of the teacher’s scolding, she stays away from the phone for some time but eventually the game starts all over again.

These problems apart, her attachment with the gadget has also proved beneficial for us at times. Whenever it is time to take a nap, her mother allows her to use the phone as it suits her. She is of the view that if phone is not given to her, she is fidgety, rides on her bicycle and disturbs her sleep. With the phone in hand, she is ‘at work’ silently. Similarly, when I fail to fulfil any of her demands, I just offer her my mobile phone to pacify her.

A few days ago, we were surprised to see that our two-yearold daughter too has started following in her elder sister’s footsteps. I did not expect that she would start demanding the phone immediatel­y after rousing from sleep in the morning. She repeatedly points towards my phone on the table near the bed. When her mom gives her the gadget, she goes silent and starts moving her small fingers on the big screen like an expert user.

The little girl now finds the newfound toy more attractive than the television, which she would watch for her favourite songs. Sometimes, it is interestin­g to see both the sisters fighting over the phone. Ultimately, on our order, it is the elder sister who has to give in before the younger one.

At the same time, we are left wondering, and pondering, about ways to beat the mobile phone addiction of our young daughters.


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