Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Thai boys await release, good food

- Associated Press

CHIANG RAI : The 12 boys and their football coach rescued from a flooded cave in northern Thailand are recovering well and are eager to eat their favourite comfort foods after their expected discharge from a hospital next week.

In video messages of the boys shown at a news conference on Saturday, they are seen wearing surgical masks, a safeguard against infection that’s been taken since the last of them were pulled from the Tham Luang cave on Tuesday, ending an 18-day ordeal. Doctors said that Friday, when the videos were recorded, would be the last day they’d have to wear them.

Public health minister Dr Piyasakol Sakolsatta­yatorn, who led the news conference at Chiang Rai Prachanukr­oh Hospital, said all 13 — the dozen boys, who range in age from 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old coach — were expected to be discharged from the hospital on Thursday.

“All of the 13 people, their physical bodies are strong, and fit. Regarding infections, through the medical evaluation­s in the first days there may be some of them that had minor pneumonia, but now all is cleared, no fever,” Piyasakol said. Several were also reported earlier to be recovering from minor lung and middle ear infections.

Most of the boys, who were shown in their hospital beds, looked relaxed, and began their brief statements with a “wai,” the traditiona­l Thai greeting of hands raised to chest level with palms together.

A few also gave the two-finger victory sign and raised a fist. One of the 14-year-olds, Ekarat Wongsukcha­n, whose nickname is Biw, playfully raised his two arms in a boxer’s victory stance as laughter was heard in the background.

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