Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Being a wedding attire repeat offender

- Rana Preet Gill


Weddings are ostentatio­us affairs when the bride gets to splurge on anything and everything. Expensive wedding lehengas, jewellery and footwear are considered the right and pride of every girl. She spends a huge amount on things that will be worn once or twice and later discarded in a corner with a reasoning that the stuff is not fit for everyday use or that it has served its purpose or that the trend has changed.

Every wedding in a family demands a new set of clothes and accessorie­s. If the bride decides to go a little easy on the money, it usually becomes a cause of concern and a muchtalked about affair in family circles. But then wedding finery makes you picture perfect precisely for a day, not for a lifetime.

Wedding lehengas are the one attire that suffers the brunt of being neglected forever. For various reasons, women desist from wearing them again. For a bride unable to walk on her wedding day because the lehenga was too heavy and uncomforta­ble to be in, it is a nightmare to even think of donning it again.

For some it’s a matter of pride. Lok ki kehenge, ehde kol hor kapde ne hege (What will people think? She doesn’t have anything else to wear?). Even if the wedding lehenga is the most beautiful attire owned by them, most women will never wear it again because they have already been photograph­ed in it a zillion times and everyone in the family knows that it was part of her wedding trousseau.

For my wedding, I chose to go for a light pink, not so expensive and not so heavy lehenga that would be easy to carry. It worked like magic for I was sprinting all the way and my mom had to deliberate­ly tell me to be a little slow and graceful. I wore the same lehenga at my sister-in-law’s wedding for I fell in love with it. Since it was easy to carry with a simple zari border and embellishm­ents, I was comfortabl­e in it. I got a few questionin­g glances as I was wearing the wedding lehenga again.

I wore the same piece at another wedding. This time, a relative could not help commenting. “You are wearing it the third time! What will people say?” I replied “Every time I pick this lehenga, it brings with it the happy memories of the auspicious day I wore it for the first time. So, I wear it again and again to relive and rekindle the happy moments. And yes, I save money which I would have to spend on a new dress. Moreover, after this day who will remember what I wore. Isn’t it?”

Though she was not happy with my reasons, I sauntered past. It’s time we reflect on why we have to be in a constant race to impress people with what we wear. Would it not be great if we could make a difference or a statement with our thoughts and actions rather than our attires?

So, ladies if you have a beautiful and glamorous wedding lehenga handy, why wear it only once? Flaunt it again and again. Be the bashful bride once again and relive those cherished moments.

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