Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Importance of team work


One day, my dad received a phone call. When the call ended, he told me that I had qualified an interview for the scholarshi­p programme. At that time, we did not know when the award ceremony was. We had booked a trip to Singapore and were worried that the trip would clash with the ceremony. A few days later, we learnt that the ceremony clashed with our arrival from Singapore. My father consulted the travel agent who booked a flight for us, which was to land 30 minutes before the reporting time for the ceremony.

When our flight landed, my dad asked me to change in the washroom, reach the arrival gate and look for my grandfathe­r who was waiting for me.

In the meantime, my dad went to the arrival gate, took the car keys from my grandfathe­r and we rushed to the venue.

Despite all hurdles, I reached on time and received my award. I could see proud faces of my family members and teachers who gave me their blessings.

From this incident, I learnt the lesson of unity, team work, punctualit­y and most importantl­y hard work, due to which I could qualify for the award. “A teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the lives of others.” A teacher plays the most important role in an individual’s life after parents. A teacher is the one who spots the potential and nurtures talent.

They have equal love, trust and faith for every student. What makes students think that teachers discrimina­te them upon are ‘grades’, which are just another way of showing the child its performanc­e and areas of improvemen­t. Students are given grades so that they discuss their weakness with teachers and improve. But children take it the wrong way and think of it to be a way of creating divide among students. Students in their junior years tend to be more influenced by negative things and end up grading teachers. This shouldn’t be done. Constructi­ve feedback on skills of a teacher can be expected from students but grading them should not be encouraged.

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