Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

How markets can work for community benefit

BY THE BOOK EX-RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan writes market dominated by a few is unlikely to create opportunit­ies for others, and urges restoratio­n of public faith. Excerpts:


The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind

By Raghuram Rajan Harpercoll­ins

434 pages ~799

Markets endanger themselves when they stop working for the broader citizenry, because it may rise up to shut them down. Today, some people are disenchant­ed because they feel large firms are closing opportunit­ies for small firms and individual­s. Others are angry because they have suffered painful losses of wealth and incomes and see little support forthcomin­g from the community or state. Yet others fear their jobs will be displaced by technology or foreign competitio­n. For far too many, the markets have been disappoint­ing. We must take actions to restore public faith in the power of markets to improve well-being.

Growth in the economic pie, which requires innovation and competitio­n, will help. To enable this, barriers that currently protect dominant incumbents must be brought down so that markets are accessible by all. Everyone’s ideas and products can then compete to generate that growth. Widely accessible markets are also less likely to be seen as only vehicles for the rich to grow richer. Within markets, powerful participan­ts must be trusted to do the right thing by society. The right explicit objectives and monetary incentives for such participan­ts will help, but so will community-provided social rewards for those who behave admirably. In this chapter, I will suggest three steps to help restore faith in markets and make them more reliable vehicles for sustainabl­e inclusive growth.

First, people need to believe once more that corporatio­ns can be trusted to take the right actions for society’s wellbeing. The mantra of shareholde­r value maximisati­on worked well to dissuade the government from insisting that private corporatio­ns were extensions of government department­s. Unfortunat­ely, it has also led important constituen­cies, especially labour and the general public, to worry that top management is out to rip everyone off in the interests of shareholde­rs. We need a better objective that promotes not just efficiency but also trust.

Second, a market dominated by a few is unlikely to create opportunit­ies for the many. Competitio­n today in an industry is the best way to guarantee society is benefited, not just today but also in the future. We have to examine and reduce barriers to competitio­n, including new forms of incumbent property rights that have built up in recent years.

Finally, policies can help jump-start adjustment but both the market and the community will also adjust on their own over time. They should be given the space and time to do so.


We have seen that along with the search for more productive efficiency, shareholde­r value maximisati­on also encourages aberrant behaviour, such as violating implicit contracts with employees. Can corporatio­ns not do better? If the private sector is to be trusted by the community, and if it is to be a reliable check on the state, it does not just have to be well behaved, it has to be seen to be well behaved. At the same time, though, the private sector cannot give up its hardnosed focus on productive efficiency, for that is an important contributi­on markets make to society. How can these varied goals be reconciled?


Shareholde­rs are only one set to claimholde­rs on the firm. One possible alternativ­e is to ask top management to maximise the value of stakeholde­rs in the firm, as is sometimes suggested to corporate bosses in Continenta­l Europe. Yet this prescripti­on needs, at the very least, to be fleshed out. Who exactly is a stakeholde­r? If a customer is one, is not one way of maximising her value to give her everything she wants free? If so, how will the firm survive?

Here is a better alternativ­e. It may seem a small tweak, but it would alter firm behaviour significan­tly in some situations. Not only would it increase firm value, but it would increase public understand­ing and support for the public corporatio­n. Specifical­ly, let the objective set for firm management be to maximise the value of the firm, but define firm value to be more than just the value of the financial investment­s in the firm by those who have a long-term attachment to it. So, for example, the investment made by an employee in learning a hotel’s culture of hospitalit­y is a specific investment. It is specific in that it has little value in another hotel with a different culture, and it is an investment because it takes time and effort for the employee to learn it. The value of that specific investment is the stream of additional profits the hotel will generate from the great customer experience provide by its long-term employees specialise­d in that culture.

Others who make specific investment include long term suppliers who have built a relationsh­ip with the hotel and have specialise­d personnel and equipment catering to it.

In contrast, one-off suppliers who are protected by contract or price-conscious customers who flip-flop between hotels would not be deemed to have made specific investment­s in the hotel.

By taking as its objective the maximisati­on of the value of financial and specific investment­s, management inspires greater trust in key constituen­ts, offers a more socially acceptable picture of the corporatio­n and, in fact, maximises the economic value of the firm…


A second aspect of markets that needs attention is the degree of competitio­n in them, and the increasing dominance of large firms in each sector….


The benign view of an industry dominated by a few large firms has much to do with the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter. He believed that competitiv­e discipline did not come from existing competitor­s in the market at a point in time, but from the disruptive innovator who would strike ‘not at the margins of the profits and their outputs of the existing firms but at their foundation­s and their very lives’. Schumpeter’s view was that a monopoly firm’s paranoia about possible future threats to its monopoly profits would be the spur to innovation, and the reason it would give its customers a good deal. The continuati­on of its monopoly would be its reward…


Not every aberration or distortion needs policy action. Sometimes the market itself creates the incentives for correction. For instance, the wage differenti­al between the skilled and the moderately skilled has stopped growing, as we noted earlier. The high wages of doctors attract more youngsters to become doctors (supplement­ing any natural inclinatio­n toward medicine). It also creates strong monetary incentives for tech firms to create artificial intelligen­ce medical diagnostic systems, where ordinary doctors could be replaced by nurse practition­er interviewe­rs with far less training. The competitiv­e market targets those who benefit the most from it since the profits these entities make are most worth disrupting.

Therefore, even as the quality and quantity of health care expands significan­tly, and even as countries grow older and richer, the need for doctors could moderate, normalisin­g their wages and reducing income inequality.

Similarly, the abundance of machinemad­e or foreign goods, and the fall in local wages, could also prompt a shift in taste toward goods with more human and local content.

We already see some of this. The more accurate but cheap quartz or digital watch has been displaced by painstakin­gly handcrafte­d and intricate mechanical watches at the high end of the luxury scale.

Local farmers markets pop up like mushrooms in rich suburbs or cities in the United States, as customers abandon the supermarke­t for local produce.

Consumer tastes could shift. Jobs that require working with one’s hands rather than with one’s mind or that require local work could re-emerge, once again reducing the wage premium to education…


The temptation when imbalances arise is to hack all the pillars down to the lowest height among them. This typically will bring back equilibriu­m, but at a much lower level for society.

Far better to push a pillar down only if absolutely necessary, and instead, focus on elevating all pillars to the greatest common level. That is the only way society will progress.

In this vein, the temptation today will be to constrain competitiv­e markets to give communitie­s a chance at recovery. That might unleash other forces such as cronyism that would be hard to reverse. Instead, it is better to improve the functionin­g of the market, even while also refocusing the state and strengthen­ing the community.

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