Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

A tale of achievemen­ts, riddled with paradoxes

China’s transforma­tion is miraculous. Its days of keeping a low profile are gone. But it confronts major challenges


Mao Zedong “liberated” China, Deng Xiaoping “made China rich” — and now Xi Jinping is “making China powerful” — thus is the 70-year-old journey of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) often summed up by ordinary citizens in the PRC today.

This articulati­on, eulogising the contributi­ons of three powerful leaders of the Communist Party, places the Party at the very core of China’s impressive transforma­tion, which is today the cynosure of the world’s eyes and the subject of intense, polarising internatio­nal debates about what the rise of China means for the West-dominated world order. In his speech delivered at the Tiananmen Square on the occasion of the PRC’S 70th National Day celebratio­ns, Xi Jinping, interestin­gly, referred only to Mao’s role in founding the PRC, as he underscore­d their present determinat­ion to scale further heights. “No force can shake the status of our great country, no force can stop the Chinese people and the Chinese nation from marching forward.” China, Xi declared, was now prepared to “struggle” to achieve its two centenary goals — rid China of poverty by 2021 and emerge as an advanced socialist nation by 2049. A vibrant and colourful parade displayed the PRC’S socioecono­mic achievemen­ts and its cultural traditions, advances in science and technology as also the state-of-the-art new weapons, under the leadership of Xi.

The past 70 years are, however, merely the modern nation-state blip in the life of a civilisati­on that has evolved over centuries. It has witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties and empires; it has led the world in trade and been feted and sought for its goods and its riches, before being humbled and exploited by the imperialis­t powers for its market and reduced to being the “sick man of the East”. And it rose again. What the Chinese people achieved was certainly miraculous — but it was no mere miracle. Much hard work, tremendous sacrifices, dogged determinat­ion and well-crafted policies have underpinne­d — and continue to underpin — their long march towards modernisat­ion, in accordance with the post-industrial Revolution developmen­tal paradigm.

Several paradoxes, along with diverse achievemen­ts, characteri­se the PRC at 70. It has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, but in the process, from being one of the most egalitaria­n societies until the 1970s, China is one of the most unequal societies in the world today. Its unpreceden­ted growth, which has unleashed a revolution of rising expectatio­ns, has also created unparallel­ed environmen­tal challenges — air, water and soil — which mar the quality of life and the health of its population. It is also undergoing a demographi­c transition which is shrinking its labour force and enlarging the population of the elderly, who are increasing­ly vulnerable to rapidly shrinking State welfare packages. And it is struggling with a disturbing gender imbalance and record corruption levels in the Party and government. Presiding over this scenario is an authoritar­ian Party-state.

And yet there are significan­t changes, from elections at the grassroots to the freedom for autonomous decisions and experiment­ation at the provincial levels and the strong push to “putting people first”. The socialist market economy — the brainchild of the Communist Party – has taken a path that is markedly different from Western market economies.

The rise of China — an economic phenomenon to begin with — came about in a world order dominated by Western capitalism and capitalist institutio­nal structures. Having secured the membership of the World Trade Organisati­on, the PRC, since the turn of the century, has been riding the waves of economic globalisat­ion, with aplomb — making no compromise­s with its “independen­t foreign policy”. This essentiall­y amounted to taking positions vis-à-vis global capital, which were in consonance with its national interests. Thus they hold no brief for the western insistence that its economic reforms and liberalisa­tion (Chinese style) must be accompanie­d by political changes (western style). It is also steadily augmenting its defence capabiliti­es, working at developing a financial ecosystem on the fringes of the United States-dominated institutio­ns.

So the balance sheet is a mixed one; neither is the Chinese State fragile, nor is the Party, which is certainly no monolithic entity about to disintegra­te. Why does the Party-state value “stability” above all; Why does it speak of the relevance of Confuciani­sm even as it continues to uphold Marxism; How does it balance the western power game — these are issues, which need to be framed in all their complex totality, not in black and white binaries. More than four centuries of domination of western ideas and values and institutio­ns are now being questioned — implicitly and explicitly — by the resurgence in Asia. And China is at the very centre of this questionin­g. This need not be a zero-sum contestati­on. The possibilit­y that the 21st century can be shaped by non-western (Chinese and possibly Indian) ways of thinking — mutually enriching and of benefit to the world — will depend entirely on how the West, and the US, responds to the continuing rise of China.

 ?? REUTERS ?? How the West, especially the US, responds to China’s rise will determine the global order of the 21st century
REUTERS How the West, especially the US, responds to China’s rise will determine the global order of the 21st century
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