Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

No let-up, air quality worsens


- Mohit Khanna and Vishal Rambani

LUDHIANA/PATIALA: There has been no let-up in stubble burning incidents in Punjab, with 2856 active farm fires spotted on Sunday by the monitoring system at Punjab Agricultur­al University (PAU). This is the third highest number of farm fires recorded on a day during the season.

Earlier on October 30, the state had witnessed 3,135 incidents of residue burning, which was the highest in the season.

According to Anil Sood, senior scientist of Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, PAU, the number of farm fires on Sunday could be much higher as many instances could not be recorded due to cloud cover in parts of Ludhiana and Jalandhar. The incidents have peaked even after agricultur­e secretary Kahan Singh Pannu had directed officers to remain fully vigilant in the field.

Meanwhile, the air quality index (AQI) worsened in Punjab

As Patiala recorded an AQI of 409 (severe), the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Patiala, decided to shut its campus till November 8. The National Institute of sports (NIS) has also closed its field activities and training of sportspers­ons in the open due to air pollution.

from “very poor” to “severe” on Sunday. As Patiala recorded an AQI of 409 (severe), the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Patiala, decided to shut its campus till November 8. The National Institute of sports (NIS) has also closed its field activities and training of sportspers­ons in the open due to air pollution.

“In view of the poor air quality and keeping in mind the health of students, staff and faculty, the

university has decided to close the campus from November 4 to 8,” reads the order of the registrar of RGNUL. Most of the students have already vacated their hostels.

At the NIS, athletes have been asked to not to undertake field training. For the past some days, athletes were complainin­g of breathless­ness and burning of eyes due to smog.

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