Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Celebratin­g the Constituti­on

India has reason to be proud of its legacy. Preserve it


Sunday marks the 70th year of the adoption of the Constituti­on of India. This is a moment to celebrate the country’s rich legacy as a Republic, to pay tribute to all those who helped it evolve as a constituti­onal democracy and nurtured its traditions, and also to reiterate the commitment to preserve constituti­onal values, which have been so precious, and have shaped the Indian State as well as the Indian society.

When, on January 26, 1950, India became a Republic, few gave the polity a chance. After all, this was a society divided by caste and religion; it was deeply unequal and hierarchic­al; poverty and illiteracy were rampant; it had just gone through a violent Partition. Yet, the audaciousn­ess of the drafters of the Constituti­on was that in this seemingly inhospitab­le landscape, they invested in creating a democracy — with periodic elections and universal adult franchise; fundamenta­l rights for citizens; an independen­t judiciary; a complex federal structure; a deep commitment to equality and non-discrimina­tion, especially on lines of identity. Sceptics had history on their side. No other country of this size, diversity and socioecono­mic indicators had become a full-fledged democracy. But India’s founders had idealism, commitment and pragmatism on their side. Their vision prevailed.

There have been challenges, of course. Indian constituti­onal democracy faced its most severe test in 1975 — when the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, proclaimed an Emergency and suspended fundamenta­l rights. Fortunatel­y, this period lasted for only two years. While growth has brought millions out of poverty, the persistenc­e of poverty is a betrayal of the vision of the founders. While caste hierarchie­s are less entrenched today than the past, the persistenc­e of structural discrimina­tion, unequal opportunit­ies, and untouchabi­lity is a black mark on India’s record. While the country has remained secular, the persistenc­e of religious divisions and the increasing use of religion in electoral mobilisati­on threatens to deepen the cleavages in society. While citizens have continued to enjoy rights, and seek justice from judiciary when denied these rights, the concentrat­ion of power in the executive’s hands and the weakening of the instrument­s of checks and balances on State power is a matter of concern. While India continues to remain united, the continued challenge to the integrity of the State, from Kashmir, parts of Northeast and the Maoist belt in central India poses a security threat. While democracy has only become stronger and more rooted, the temptation by citizens to adopt extra constituti­onal methods, or resort to the “grammar of anarchy”, in making a political point, or by the State to use excessive force, or resort to authoritar­ian measures, to quell the voices of citizens remains a concern.

Still, 70 years later, despite the challenges, the big picture that emerges is that of success. India’s founders dreamed big by giving the country a remarkable Constituti­on. India’s politician­s, public servants, civil society and citizens built the structures provided by the Constituti­on, and broadly have played by the rules of the game. What is needed now is a renewed pledge to abide by the values of the Constituti­on — of sovereignt­y resting with the people of India; of democracy; of justice, liberty, fraternity and equality; of secularism, coexistenc­e and tolerance; and of the dignity of the individual.

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