Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Bihar polls: In EC plan, toothpicks to use EVMS

- Anirban Guha Roy

PATNA: With an eye on the safety of voters during the upcoming assembly elections in Bihar amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Election Commission (EC) is working on proposals to provide gloves and toothpicks to voters to press the button on the electronic voting machines (EVMS) for contactles­s voting, officials at the state’s Chief Electoral Office said.

Another proposal under considerat­ion for maintainin­g safety at the polling stations is the use of disposable syringes to mark the fingers of voters with indelible ink to identify those who have already voted, the officials said.

A move to install glass shields at the table of polling officers is being considered so that voters, when asked to identify themselves by taking off their masks, do not come in contact with the staff.

Bihar assembly polls are scheduled to be held in Octobernov­ember is the first fullfledge­d state elections in the aftermath of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Gloves and small bamboo sticks are being advocated for pressing electronic voting machines buttons and signing the voter register. Sanitising the electronic voting machines after every vote is not possible. We are not using any plasticmad­e items because there is scope of infection spreading. Bamboo sticks are environmen­t-friendly and disposable,” said a senior Bihar Election Commission officer, requesting anonymity.

State election officials said the proposals have been sent by chief electoral officer HR Srinivasa to the Election Commission for approval.

“Our objective is that voters do not come in contact with any physical substance and there is more contactles­s method of casting votes,” said Srinivasa.

The implementa­tion of the new innovative measures at the polling booths in times of Covid-19 would not be easy. It would mean procuring millions of gloves and bamboo sticks as well as disposal syringes.

The state has a total electorate of 71.8 million voters; the proposal is 106,000 polling booths with the addition of 33,797 auxillary booths to cap the number of voters in each booth to 700 for maintainin­g social distancing norms.

The state Election Commission­officials said the process had started for procuring these materials.

“We have sought khadi gloves from the Bihar State Khadi board so that it can generate rural employment. Other materials would be purchased locally and district election officers will be authorised to buy them,” said another Election Commission officer, who is privy to the discussion.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal (United) said they would support any measure suggested by the Election Commission to ensure the safety of voters.

The opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal said such measures would infringe on the rights of voters.

“If Election Commission takes any steps for safety of voters in view of Covid, we will support them. But all steps to be taken by the poll panel should be widely publicised as our larger objective is that all voters should exercise their franchise freely,” said Nikhil Anand, state spokespers­on of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

JD(U) state spokespers­on Rajeev Ranjan said, “We are in favour of safety measures for voters,” he said.

RJD’S senior leader and state spokespers­on Shakti Singh Yadav criticised the proposals. “In the name of Covid, there is an attempt being made to manipulate polls. We will oppose any move by the Election Commission to provide gloves or sticks for use on electronic voting machines . We want the Election Commission to conduct polls as they did in past. Even in South Korea, polls were held in recently by using ballot papers,” he said.

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