Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

China may win, without fighting

Instead of insisting on status quo ante, India has helped create a new status quo. Beijing is smiling


China’s territoria­l revisionis­m has been unrelentin­g. Under Mao Zedong, China more than doubled its size by annexing Tibet and Xinjiang, making it the world’s fourthlarg­est country in area. Under Xi Jinping, China’s expansioni­sm increasing­ly threatens its neighbours, big and small. Xi’s regime has just opened a new territoria­l front against one of the world’s smallest countries, Bhutan, by disputing its eastern borders.

In this light, the outcome of China’s aggression against India will have an important bearing on Asian security. If the current India-china military disengagem­ent ends up like the 2017 Doklam disengagem­ent in making China the clear winner, an emboldened Xi regime will likely become a greater threat to neighbours.

China’s strategy after its disastrous 1979 invasion of Vietnam has been to win without fighting. Deception, concealmen­t and surprise have driven China’s repeated use of force — from seizing the Johnson Reef in 1988 and the Mischief Reef in 1995 to occupying the Scarboroug­h Shoal in 2012 and now vantage locations in Ladakh. It has changed the South China Sea’s geopolitic­al map without firing a shot or incurring any internatio­nal costs.

China has displayed its art of deception even in its disengagem­ent process with India. The first accord of June 6 to disengage collapsed after the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) erected structures on Indian territory and then ambushed and killed Indian Army men on verificati­on patrol. The disengagem­ent process restarted after Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi seemed to let China off the hook with his June 19 speech at the allparty meeting. But the fresh process became a ruse for PLA to encroach on two new Indian areas — the Depsang Y-junction; and the Galwan Valley site of the ambush killings.

India and China are now in their third disengagem­ent series. But while the previous two abortive rounds followed military-level talks, the latest cycle is being driven politicall­y. We now know that Modi’s July 3 Ladakh visit, and his tough words there, were essentiall­y designed to create domestic political spaceforhi­sgovernmen­ttoseekde-escalation with China. Barely 48 hours after his visit, India and China hammered out a disengagem­ent deal.

Will the latest deal stick? Having encroached on key areas that overlook India’s defences, PLA is sitting pretty. A full return to status quo ante as sought by India seems remote, thanks to India’s own mixed signals. Moreover, by encroachin­g on additional areas behind the previous disengagem­ent facade, China has armed itself with greater leverage to impose a revised status quo, including by applying the precept that “possession is ninetenths of the law”.

Disengagem­ent (pullback of rival forces from close proximity), if not de-escalation (ending hostilitie­s through demobilisa­tion of forces), meshes well with China’s interest in presenting India a fait accompli. Removing the threat of an Indian counteroff­ensive or Indian tit-for-tat land grab will help China win without fighting.

This explains why China has accepted disengagem­ent — but on its terms. This is illustrate­d in the Galwan Valley, where India has pulled back from its own territory and created a “buffer zone” on its side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). These steps, though temporary, create a new, China-advantageo­us status quo that PLA could seek to enforce because it keeps India out of China’s newlyclaim­ed zone — the Galwan Valley.

The risk that, like at Doklam, the current disengagem­ent may not end well for India is high. Instead of demonstrat­ing strength and resolve, India has displayed zeal to end the stand-off, despite its armed forces being mobilised for possible war.

At a time when the internatio­nal environmen­t is beginning to turn against China, India could have prolonged the stand-off until winter to compel restoratio­n of status quo ante. But, instead, it has kicked status quo ante down the road and settled merely for disengagem­ent. This allows China to hold on its core territoria­l gains and trade the marginal occupied territorie­s for Indian concession­s, as part of its well-known “advance 10 miles and retreat six miles” strategy.

Far from imposing military costs, India has shied away even from trade actions against the aggressor, as if to preserve the option of another Modi-xi summit. India’s steps so far (banning Chinese mobile apps and announcing an intent to restrict Chinese investment in some areas) have been designed to assuage public anger at home, but without imposing substantiv­e costs on Beijing or damaging bilateral relations.

In 1967, a weak India, while recovering from the 1962 and 1965 wars, gave China a bloody nose. But in 2017 and again now, after its soldiers displayed extraordin­ary bravery in tackling China’s aggression, a nucleararm­ed India hastily sought disengagem­ent. Its decision-makers remain loath to fundamenta­lly change the China policy even when faced with aggression.

Bite by bite, China has been nibbling away at India’s borderland­s, even as successive Indian PMS have sought to appease it. When political calculatio­ns trump military factors and a nation lives by empty rhetoric, it can win neither war nor peace.

The present path risks locking India in a “no war, no peace” situation with China and imposing mounting security costs. This path aids China’s time-tested strategy of attrition, friction and containmen­t to harass, encumber, encircle, deceive and weigh India down.

If India wants Himalayan peace, it must make China pay for its aggression to help create a deterrent effect. The present aggression — the most serious since the 1960s — resulted from India letting China off the hook too easily in 2017, allowing it to capture Doklam. And if China emerges the winner from the current crisis, its next aggression could be worse. Only a chastened China saddled with high costs and loss of face will rein in its aggressive expansioni­sm.

 ?? GETTYIMAGE­S ?? The present path aids China’s strategy of attrition, friction, containmen­t to harass, encircle and weigh India down
GETTYIMAGE­S The present path aids China’s strategy of attrition, friction, containmen­t to harass, encircle and weigh India down

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