Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Who’s underminin­g the global order?

There is no neat answer. Both the US and China are embracing parts of it, and underminin­g parts


In 2018, in a speech at the Raisina Dialogue, the conference held by the ministry of external affairs and the Observer Research Foundation, the late foreign minister Sushma Swaraj, declared that the world was in transition— there was now a “departure from longstandi­ng practices,” “a shift away from multilater­alism and alliances,” and a retreat from globalisat­ion. While Swaraj was circumspec­t, many others have since been more candid. A few days ago, for example, former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd argued that the global order was being reshaped by China. These statements articulate the prevalent anxiety behind a question that many have been grappling with — is the current internatio­nal order in decline? In particular, is the United States (Us)-led order under threat of revisionis­m by China and other actors? The answer to this question often relates to where one stands on the political spectrum, and consequent­ly tends to fall into black-and-white categories of either singular affirmatio­n or denial. In reality, however, the answer is complex because internatio­nal order is complex. Disagreeme­nts between China and the US are not the same as disagreeme­nts between China and internatio­nal order. To understand this, it is important to understand what internatio­nal order is and what it implies.

Princeton professor G John Ikenberry has called internatio­nal order “the organising rules and institutio­ns of world politrump tics…through which [countries] do business”. His work and that of many others imply four facts about the internatio­nal order. First, order is not a passive outcome but an active creation by powerful countries. Second, it rests on shared ideas. Third, these ideas are shared across not one but many issues. Finally, participat­ing countries need to be willing to buy into order. So if we argue that a country is revisionis­t of the internatio­nal order, what we mean is that it is deliberate­ly trying to reorganise these rules and institutio­ns, trying to change the shared ideas that underpin order, that it is doing so across issues, and that it has the help of countries willing to buy into its proposed changes.

Which brings us to the current internatio­nal order and how these implicatio­ns play out. The internatio­nal order today was created and led by the US and its allies after World War II, and its byword was multilater­alism. The principles of the 1941 Atlantic Charter in which Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill declared a shared commitment to free trade and collective security were more formally enshrined during the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 — a new economic and security order with internatio­nal institutio­ns for multilater­al cooperatio­n emerged and thrived. But today, who is revising and who is accommodat­ing these institutio­ns that are the bedrock of the postworld War II internatio­nal order does not play out along neat lines.

For example, Donald Trump’s assertion of America First has led to a decline in longstandi­ng collective security arrangemen­ts — last month, he withdrew 9,500 US troops from German soil underminin­g the Us-german solidarity that was the foundation of the trans-atlantic security cooperatio­n and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisati­on (Nato). has also criticised multilater­al agreements such as the Transatlan­tic Trade and Investment Partnershi­p (TTIP) and Transpacif­ic Partnershi­p (TPP) that could restrain China — for example, by setting or preserving informatio­n and communicat­ion technology (ICT) standards that would impede China trying to set Chinese technology as the standard for the hard infrastruc­ture of Internet connectivi­ty.

China too has rejected or violated the shared ideas of some of the internatio­nal institutio­ns it has joined — it has not, for example, ratified the Comprehens­ive Test Ban Treaty (although neither has the US) and argues that it is compliant with internatio­nal human rights norms. But as Columbia University professor, Andrew Nathan, points out, it has also partially or wholly complied with many other shared ideas, particular­ly because in many cases it has served its interests to do so. Its embrace of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), for example, has been highly selective and biased towards its own interests — in accordance with the norms of UNCLOS, it expects to dispatch spy ships into other countries’ exclusive economic zones to monitor both their economic (which is legal) and military activities (subject to interpreta­tion) without incident but objects to and occasional­ly harasses other countries for allegedly violating its own space in the South China Sea.

Its embrace of the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) has been more wholeheart­ed and straightfo­rward where it has worked to make domestic changes in order to bring China into compliance with the WTO’S accession agreement, leading one study to conclude that Beijing operates within the WTO system. And as its share of global investment has increased, many experts have found that Beijing has become a defender of the interests of capital, borrowing its norms directly from the West.

What we find from these examples is that countries that we expect to buy into the current order may revise aspects of it while countries we expect not to buy into the order may accommodat­e important parts of it, especially when it speaks to their interests. Nor can we assume that the builder of internatio­nal order, in this case the US, will also be the upholder of it in every issue area. Finally, it’s worth rememberin­g that since creating and sharing the norms of the internatio­nal order rests on a concert of countries, this leaves room for multiple influentia­l actors and not simply the most powerful ones.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Trump’s assertion of America First and China’s selective use of internatio­nal law have undermined stability
GETTY IMAGES Trump’s assertion of America First and China’s selective use of internatio­nal law have undermined stability
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