Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Does law play a role in effecting social change?


The Rashtriya Swayamseva­k Sangh (RSS), which wields considerab­le influence on national policymaki­ng and conversati­on, recently commented that raising the legal age of marriage for girls should be left to society, referring to a proposed legislatio­n to raise the minimum age for marriage for women from 18 to 21 years.

Such perspectiv­es revive the debate on the law’s role in social change – a debate that has raged since at least World War II, when the use of legislatio­n as a tool of social engineerin­g gained attention.

Classical social theorists such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx viewed the law as a diverse and subjective concept, having a multiplici­ty and complexity along with an interconne­ctedness to social life. The emergence of welfare States and welfarism further affirmed this. This trend accelerate­d in the postmodern era, when noted socio-legal theorist Philip Selznick observed that “modern law has become increasing­ly responsive to society’s needs”.

Opposing views also existed, where the law was considered a product of society and only changed when social demands changed. German philosophe­r Jurgen Habermas considered the law’s intrusion in everyday life “a curtailmen­t of individual autonomy”, and said that welfarism had resulted in the colonisati­on of life, casting a “tighter net of legal norms on individual’s life”. W Friedman, a Germanamer­ican legal scholar, also underlined the ways in which laws were crafted at the time, noting that if a piece of legislatio­n was made by the choice of only a small group of individual­s, it was bound to fail.

Feminist theory injected a new dimension into this debate. Feminist philosophe­rs of law such as Catherine Mackinnon and Martha Minow criticised the conceptual­isation of rule of law in terms of coherence and consistenc­y, saying that it only reinforced the status quo, legitimise­d existing power relations, and perpetuate­d sexist socialisat­ion through a systemic bias.

Which argument is more plausible? In India, two current issues offer themselves as touchstone­s.

One is the issue of raising the minimum marriageab­le age of women. The government argues that amending the existing Prohibitio­n of Child Marriage Act, 2006 will prevent underage marriages, and, consequent­ly, accrue better health, educationa­l and nutritiona­l outcomes for girls. But many experts say this is flawed, because it doesn’t take into account social realities. Oxfam India, for example, said the law will end up being counterpro­ductive, if the factors that drive families to resort to such social practices, especially, the disadvanta­ged ones, are not addressed.

The second issue is the criminalis­ation of marital rape, which is being adjudicate­d in the Delhi High Court at present. From a legal point of view, many have opposed it, contending that it will be grossly misused, and that it will be a difficult task to establish burden of proof. But women legal activists argue that since any law is open to misuse, it cannot be a logical deterrent to the enactment of a valid legislatio­n. They point out that successive National Family Health Surveys have revealed increasing incidents of spousal violence and say that it is more important to see whether women will be able to get over the traditiona­l mindset and file complaints against their erring husbands.

In India, using the law to advance social change has been a political consensus since Independen­ce. Several pro-women legislatio­ns have been drafted to act as norm-setters and accelerate social change, but with mixed results. Flavia Agnes, a feminist legal activist, for example, said that “laws, old and new, are, more or less, structured to operate against women’’. Poonam Muttreja, a public policy expert, also feels that for a law to succeed in its purpose, more practical ways should be adopted to enhance women’s agency, autonomy, along with efforts in capacitybu­ilding in education and employment.

The bottom line is that Indian society can transition to a gender-just society with the new ideas of liberalism, only if an enabling societal environmen­t is nurtured. The Indian legal system, going beyond the law’s instrument­alist attitude, can then become more responsive to social reasoning for equality and empowermen­t.

Archana Datta is former director-general, Doordarsha­n, and All India Radio; and former press secretary, President of India The views expressed are personal

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