Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)



NEW YORK: Andy Warhol’s iconic 1960s painting White Disaster sold for $85 million at auction on Wednesday evening at Sotheby’s in New York.

The 1963 piece of art was sold after two minutes and a brief duel between two bidders, for a total of $74 million, or $85.4 million with all related costs and fees.

The last time a piece of art from Warhol’s Death and Disaster series was sold in 2013, it set a record for the artist at $105 million. In May, Warhol’s 1964 portrait of Marilyn Monroe, Shot Sage Blue Marilyn, was auctioned for $195 million, becoming the most expensive 20th-century work ever sold at auction.

White Disaster [White Car Crash 19 Times], as it is formally known, is a work of silkscreen ink and graphite, which depicts the same black-and-white image of a macabre car accident 19 times on a canvas 12 feet (3.6 metres) tall.

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