Hindustan Times (Delhi)



Comments on HT story BUZZ ON THE WEB As a young boy in central Rome holds up a cartoon depicting the plight of Gazans as a sign of protest, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon makes a statement regarding the violence in Gaza. More pics on: hindustant­imes.com/sparegaza Movie review by Anupama Chopra: Salman Khan’s Kick is all charisma, zero craft

6-year-old boy gets prosthetic arm and hand from 3-D printer for just $350

Mysterious Siberian crater sparks mystery

Female circumcisi­on: A cruel practice Good to see India stand up to the Americans.

The west wants all the benefits with none of the responsibi­lties

 ??  ?? No WTO deal without food, welfare measures, says India; US miffed
No WTO deal without food, welfare measures, says India; US miffed
 ??  ??

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