Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Drunk man throttles sister with rolling pin

- HT Correspond­ent htreporter­s@hindustant­imes.com

NEW DELHI: A 28-year-old woman was murdered in front of her two sons allegedly by her inebriated elder brother at their home in northwest Delhi’s Outram Lines slums near Mukherjee Nagar in the early hours of Sunday.

Police said the brother was enraged with his sister as she often scolded him over drinking. After murdering his sister, the accused fled to his brother-inlaw’s home in Kingsway Camp and again consumed alcohol. He was, however, arrested later in the morning, said police

On Sunday around 1am, the brother-sister duo, identified as Premu and Madhuri, entered into an argument after Premu returned home drunk. During On Sunday around 1am, the brother-sister duo, Premu and Madhuri, entered into an argument after Premu returned home drunk

During the argument, Premu pinned down his sister and picked up a rolling pin lying nearby , even as her elder son Subhash, 7, begged him to spare his mother the argument, Premu pinned down his sister and picked up a rolling pin lying nearby, even as her elder son Subhash, 7, begged him to spare his mother.

“Premu put the rolling pin in Madhuri’s mouth and pushed it into her throat. He also kept his Madhuri had been living at her brother’s home with her children after she left her husband over marital discord two years ago, police said She worked as a domestic help in the residentia­l colonies nearby

Premu, who works as a street hawker, was living a bachelor’s life leg on her throat and pressed it till she was motionless,” said Vijay Singh, deputy commission­er of police (northwest). Madhuri’s younger son, Lucky, 3, was also present in the room when Premu murdered her.

A police officer said that Madhuri had been living at her brother’s home with her children after she left her husband over marital discord two years ago.

On Sunday, Premu consumed alcohol with his brother-in-law, Ram Babu, at his home and returned home around midnight.

“When Madhuri found him drunk, she scolded him. This enraged Premu and he murdered her in a fit of rage before fleeing the crime scene,” the officer said. Her children did not know that she was dead.

Around 7am, Subhash told neighbours his mother was lying unconsciou­s. The neighbours went to the room and found Madhuri dead.

“A murder case was registered and Premu has been arrested. Both the children are eyewitness­es to the crime,” the officer said.

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