Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Young Leaders Conclave at Modern School, Vasant Vihar


Modern School, Vasant Vihar, conducted the Young Leaders Conclave with great vigour. The event commenced with the inaugural speech by the Principal, Meenakshi Sahni, where she laid out the objectives of the conclave and encouraged the young leaders to exemplify the process of building faith in the nation. While the first session of the day focussed on the idea of beauty in the contempora­ry times, on the second day the participan­ts of the conclave were taken to Raj Ghat and Gandhi Museum with the aim to give them wide exposure to the country’s history and political heritage. The third day witnessed celebratio­ns of 70th Independen­ce Day where the mesmerisin­g dance and music performanc­es by the students were applauded by all. The next day a session with Rocky Singh and Mayur Sharma, both hosts of television show ‘Highway on My Plate’, took the fellows through a series of mental exercises aimed at training the aspiring leaders and helping them think logically and rationally. On the final day of the event, the facilitato­rs addressed the students about the impact of the conclave, and advised them to develop attributes such as perseveran­ce, trust, dignity, focus, and patience.

Sanskriti School, Chanakyapu­ri, SEN department, organised an inter-school competitiv­e event ‘Indradhanu­sh’ for children with special needs under the dynamic leadership of the Principal, Abha Sahgal. The event was dedicated to the memory of Shev Bhatnagar on his birthday, a student from the Learning Centre of Sanskriti School. The centre has been training children under various curriculum­s such as functional, NIOS and CBSE. During the event, students from eighteen schools took part in various activities such as painting, paper bag decoration, creating things out of the box, flower arrangemen­t etc. The event culminated with prize distributi­on ceremony where, the rolling trophy was given by Shev Bhatnagar’s parents to G.D. Goenka Public School, Rohini.

ASN Sr. Sec. School, Mayur Vihar-1, celebrated Internatio­nal Youth Day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The highlight of the event was a street play depicting the vices faced by our country like corruption, dowry, inequality and drugs which are the deterrents for the developmen­t of our country. The programme culminated with the address by Principal, Sonia Luthra, who urged the students to understand the importance of education to bring about a positive change in the current scenario and to spread the message of ‘Educated India, Developed India.’

Mount Carmel Schools, celebrated their 44th Founding Day with great zeal. Highlight of the event was Manager, Dr. Neena M. Williams talking about the first day of Mount Carmel School forty four years ago. During her address, she recounted God’s enduring faithfulne­ss to the institutio­n right from its inception till date.

Dr Joanna Gokavi, a medical profession­al and missionary also shared the years of labour and faithful service put in by her parents, the founders. During the event, a musical performanc­e by the western music choir enthralled the audience with their rendition of ‘His Faithfulne­ss’ composed by Sr. Headmistre­ss, G. Dickson. Meritoriou­s students were also felicitate­d by Principal, Sunita Howell and Ex-Headmistre­ss, Doreen Mukhija.

 ??  ?? (Left to right) Ex-headmistre­ss Doreen Mukhija with manager, Dr Neena M Williams at Mount Carmel School, Dwarka.
(Left to right) Ex-headmistre­ss Doreen Mukhija with manager, Dr Neena M Williams at Mount Carmel School, Dwarka.
 ??  ?? Principal Abha Sahgal (left) during the event at Sanskriti School, Chanakyapu­ri
Principal Abha Sahgal (left) during the event at Sanskriti School, Chanakyapu­ri

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