Hindustan Times (Delhi)

AAP govt forms panel to provide insurance to all

- Anonna Dutt anonna.dutt@hindustant­ims.com

NEW DELHI: The Delhi government has formed an eightmembe­r society to aid and advise it on the setting up of a universal healthcare insurance cover for the state’s residents.

Delhi health minister Satyendra Jain is the chairperso­n of the “Society for Universal Healthcare in Delhi”.

Six experts from health insurance, economics, finance or management, entreprene­ur and the NGO sector will be nominated to the society to SATYENDRA JAIN, Delhi health minister

help set up a ‘transparen­t and competitiv­e’ public-privatepar­tnership model for reducing costs and improving efficienci­es.

The memorandum of associatio­n specifies that the governing body will have not less than seven and more than 15 members, who will plan, formulate, implement and monitor schemes and programmes for provision of affordable healthcare insurance for Delhi residents.

The society will digitise the health data of all citizens and empanel public and private hospitals, labs and healthcare providers.

“We are looking at almost 80-90% of the private hospitals across Delhi being empanelled under this scheme. All hospitals, especially the four or five big ones with high tariff that still run at full capacity, will not like to join,” Jain said.

Earlier this year, the health minister had said that the government was planning a family insurance scheme which will provide a cover of `1 lakh for almost all illnesses that require hospitalis­ation and ` 2– `4 lakh cover for critical illnesses. The list of critical illnesses will include 1,700 – 1,800 conditions.

“We have studied many such state-sponsored insurance schemes and we are trying to come up with the best model. We can learn from the mistakes of the other government­s,” Jain had said.

Depending on the socioecono­mic condition, the premium of the insurance will vary between ` 0 and ` 2,000-3,000 per annum, he had said.

Apart from this, the government is also looking into providing accident cover to all Delhi residents.

We are looking at almost 80-90% of the private hospitals across Delhi being empanelled under this scheme... We have studied many such state-sponsored insurance schemes and we are trying to come up with the best model.

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