Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Cows need more than vigilantes


That may (or may not) happen after a whole cycle of violence. In urban India, cows graze on trash, often toxic. They choke on plastics. They are hit by vehicles, rarely receiving the medical care they need.

Even worse, the cow has to let the milk it produces go off for commercial production instead of feeding its calf. It produces commercial­ly viable excess milk only when injected with hormones. In the spirit of full disclosure, I stopped having all milk products precisely because of this, but as far as I can see, there is a still a lot of milk and ghee used in rituals and havans. Surely, the cow vigilantes should consider the entire cycle of cruelty and address it at an institutio­nal level if they really care.

Let the cow protectors get rid of plastic bags in India, push for veganism and change masterplan­s so we can get bits of grazing ground and commons instead of fenced off parks. Only when they address this slow death do they become legitimate cow protectors.


(The writer is director, Chintan Environmen­tal Research and Action Group)

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