Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Work hard with integrity to meet your desired goals

- Sharan Ghotra (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from your readers. The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

Life gives us numerous lessons in many different ways. One important and crucial rule is to work hard. Working hard with integrity should be the game plan for every one of us. Colin Powell put it beautifull­y: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determinat­ion and hard work.”

There is a possibilit­y that your hard work might end in nothing for that particular goal but it will never go waste. At some point it will help you and give you satisfacti­on.

It is tough to get back after a task fails but the reality is that until you do get up and get moving, you won’t be able to achieve anything. People set certain goals in their life and they just work on them. We should work hard for our goals but keep in mind one thing -- that even if we fail somehow, life does not end. There are many other ways of getting to our destinatio­n. Just don’t stop if one way fails. Take a deep breath, accept that something went wrong and begin your journey forthwith on another road to the same destinatio­n.

We fail not because we didn’t work hard but maybe because there is a lesson to be learnt. Work hard in a positive manner. Whatever wrongs you may have done to others or to your own self, just own up to your mistakes, work hard in future and give a helping hand to everyone who knocks on your door.

This is the best way you can give yourself inner peace and realise your dreams. Remember the great saying Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached, the shloka from the Katha Upanishad which was popularise­d in the late 19th century by Swami Vivekanand­a.

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