Hindustan Times (Delhi)



KARACHI: A Pakistani female lawmaker threatened to self-immolate after she was harassed by male colleagues in parliament, telling AFP that the widely-publicised incident shows how laws to protect women are not being enforced.

Nusrat Sahar Abbasi, an MP in Sindh province, spoke of her fury after provincial minister Imdad Pitafi invited her to his private chambers on the floor of the assembly on Friday in comments that were seen as sexual harassment in conservati­ve Pakistan.

She said she protested strongly but the deputy speaker of the assembly, also a woman, refused to take any action.

A frustrated Abbasi was then pictured on Saturday holding a small bottle said to be of petrol and threatenin­g to self-immolate if action was not taken.

Federal party chiefs were forced to intervene as the incident exploded on social media, with Pitafi finally caving to the pressure and apologisin­g in the assembly while offering Abbasi a chador, or veil, as a mark of his respect.

Abbasi told AFP on Tuesday that the incident was now “over”, but that it poses a question on the implementa­tion of laws protecting women from such sexual harassment.

“Their implementa­tion is still a dream,” Abbasi said.

“Even us, the parliament­arians are not safe from gender biases and harassment,” she said. AFP

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