Hindustan Times (Delhi)

A free press is not enough

- Kanishk Tharoor is the author of Swimmer Among the Stars: Stories The views expressed are personal

Both the American President and the Indian Prime Minister try to limit journalist­ic access and centralise the flow of informatio­n

In both the United States and in India, it’s striking to see how political leaders are framing the independen­t media as an anti-national force of opposition. Donald Trump built his entire campaign on demonising the supposedly liberal and elitist media, stoking the passions of his conservati­ve base. He seems set to conduct his presidency the same way. He dismisses reports he dislikes with that now ubiquitous and meaningles­s phrase (so often tweeted in caps lock): “FAKE NEWS.” And last week he borrowed from the unimaginat­ive phrasebook of all authoritar­ian leaders in branding the media both his enemy and “the enemy of the people.”

Trump is far more prolific and committed in his abuse of the media than an often taciturn Narendra Modi. But though the Indian prime minister has claimed that he lives “in fear” of the distortion­s of the press, the actions of his government and its allies in targeting certain journalist­s and networks suggest that the media has more to fear from him. His desire to launch a Chinese-style university to train journalist­s in the arts of propaganda reflects poorly on his commitment to an independen­t press.

The parallels between Trump’s and Modi’s relationsh­ips to the media are clear. Both enjoy using Twitter to circumvent traditiona­l channels. Both try to limit journalist­ic access and to centralise the flow of informatio­n (Modi has been far more successful here than Trump has so far). Both have a large following of supporters who are convinced that the media (that they disparage as “liberal” in America, “secular” or indeed “sickular” in India, and as “presstitut­es” in both countries) is biased against their dear leaders. And both seek to delegitimi­se the media to insulate their rule from crittime, icism and to distract the public on questions of policy.

In response, the likes of CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post have taken up the task of questionin­g and challengin­g Trump with gusto. But these outlets have also lapsed into a self-congratula­tory mood. As the acerbic critic Hamilton Nolan has observed, a news anchor like CNN’s Jake Tapper has assumed an almost heroic mantle for the simple of act of “doing his job.” Similarly, Indian media personalit­ies have been keen to drape virtue around their celebrity, casting themselves as intrepid warriors battling to safeguard the soul of the nation.

I am naturally a little suspicious of these self-righteous icons basking in the media limelight. There are, of course, many journalist­s who deserve adulation for the bravery of their work, for doggedly pursuing stories in the face of intimidati­on, threats, even violence. But we should never forget that the establishm­ent media, like the organs of government, is an institutio­n of power. Neither rulers nor journalist­s are worthy of slavish devotion.

I came of age politicall­y when I was in university here in the United States, during the build up to the Iraq War. At the


I was incensed by the cynicism and manipulati­ons of the administra­tion of George W. Bush, and I was saddened by the apathy of my peers. But I reserved a good deal of my frustratio­n for the media. It seemed to me that the establishm­ent media, including TV networks like CNN and the “paper of record” the New York Times, were falling lockstep behind the White House’s drive to war.

They didn’t do enough to question the administra­tion’s claims, they adopted the president’s talking points, and they even seemed excited by the prospect of the invasion. Though the war was dreamed up by neoconserv­ative ideologues in Washington, I blamed the media for its execution. The media helped beat the drums, fan the flames, and obscure the humanity of Iraqis. A quiescent public then let its government start a monstrous war that has so poisoned these early years of the 21st century.

I’ve been thinking about this period 15 years ago as that same establishm­ent attempts to grapple with the Trump administra­tion. The White House as a matter of tactics may now vilify the media, but not long ago that media was a meek handmaiden to power. The lesson here is that while a free press is of course necessary, it is not in itself sufficient. We can only demand rigor and profession­alism from our journalist­s. The harder task lies, largely through education, in developing an engaged, civic republican culture among the public. With authoritar­ian politics on the rise, the future of democracy in both India and the United States rests on a citizenry willing to challenge and be challenged by the whirring narratives of the informatio­n age.

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