Hindustan Times (Delhi)

The state of fear and fearlessne­ss

- Gopalkrish­na Gandhi is distinguis­hed professor of history and politics, Ashoka University The views expressed by the author are personal

ing the heartily disliked Congress’ ‘Chimanbhai regime’. A nationwide railway strike threatened to clog the country’s arteries Then came the denouement : The Allahabad High Court unseated Indira Gandhi on an election petition charging electoral malpractic­e and the S C upheld the high court ruling.

The 21-month-long night of the national Emergency that followed saw, among other horrors, the Constituti­on’s draconian 42nd Amendment which made any amendment by Parliament immune from judicial review.

The Emergency is hateful, is hated and will always be.

And yet, today, 42 years on, may one harbour a contrarian view about it? We are not under an Emergency, and so why not?

The national Emergency of 1975-1977 is the poison that tells us that its antidote exists, right in our grasp – courage. And that knowledge is a gift that it has given us.

Thanks to the misuse of the Constituti­on’s emergency powers, the country was awakened to removing those powers by the 44th Amendment Act. “Recent experience has shown”, the bill’s sage objects explained, “that the fundamenta­l rights, including those of life and liberty, granted to citizens by the Constituti­on are capable of being taken away by a transient majority. It is, therefore, necessary to provide adequate safeguards against the recurrence of such a contingenc­y in the future and to ensure to the people themselves an effective voice in determinin­g the form of government under which they are to live.”

“In the future”, it says far-sightedly.

That “future” where “the people themselves” must guard their civil and democratic rights from being “taken away by a transient majority”, in a democratic republic is the present moment. It is now.

A state of Emergency is, at its core, a state of fear. That ‘state’ does not have to be proclaimed. It can just come to be.

 ?? FILE ?? Indira Gandhi turned overnight from India’s prime minister to India’s dictator
FILE Indira Gandhi turned overnight from India’s prime minister to India’s dictator
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