Hindustan Times (Delhi)



Type-2 diabetes in the young is more aggressive than in adults, the registry shows. “In the young, it is a different beast altogether. The risk of complicati­ons for younger persons with type-2 diabetes is twofold to threefold higher than type-1 diabetes,” says Dr Nikhil Tandon, professor and head of endocrinol­ogy and metabolism, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, which is partnering in the registry.

There are 70 million adults in India with diabetes, which affects 422 million people worldwide. Type-1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune system destroys the cells producing insulin in the pancreas, necessitat­ing the use of insulin to survive. “Adult-onset” type-2 diabetes occurs when the body cannot use insulin produced efficientl­y because of metabolic reasons, forcing the pancreas to overwork and finally stop production.

“People believe that j ust because young people with type-2 diabetes don’t need insulin, it is less sinister than type-1, but it’s not so. It’s not an aesthetic issue about weight or a mild metabolic disease. It needs immediate attention and treatment because complicati­ons are two to three times higher than for young people with type-1 diabetes,” says Dr Tandon.

Diagnosis is often late and disease management is poor, which leads to people landing up with complicati­ons in a hospital emergency.

The registry data shows 56.1% of the registered young diabetics have been hospitalis­ed at least once for acute diabetes-related complicati­ons. One in seven (14.1 %) had at least one complicati­on or “co-morbid” condition, such as hypothyroi­dism, dyslipidae­mia (unhealthy blood fats such as cholestero­l and triglyceri­des), hypertensi­on, tuberculos­is, or sepsis.

An unhealthy lifestyle – high calorie diet, inactivity and obesity – clearly plays a role, with urban registries recording more type-2 diabetes cases than rural ones.

What’s most important is keeping blood glucose within a healthy range according to Dr Tandon. “Poorly controlled blood glucose in young people with type-2 diabetes means looking at frequent hospitalis­ation and higher co-morbiditie­s and complicati­ons like kidney failure in the 30s.” the teacher as she had recently lost her father.

As the music room was locked, he returned but the friend was still not there. So, he decided to go to the washroom, where he heard the screams of a boy who was vomiting blood. He rushed out and informed Harpal, the gardener, and then a teacher about the injured boy, the accused told the visiting team, sources said.

Monday’s developmen­ts brought about another twist in the case in which Gurgaon police earlier said the school bus conductor Ashok Kumar stabbed Thakur to death. CBI sources said Kumar was present in the washroom at the time of the crime, going by CCTV footage, but he was at the urinals and did not notice the boys who were in a cubicle. barrel would worsen India’s retail inflation by 0.6-0.7% points and the current account balance by 0.4% of gross domestic product.

Crude oil price of the Indian basket stood at $62.66 per barrel on Monday.

Individual announceme­nts of pay revisions by various state government­s, which will continue into 2018-19, will add to inflationa­ry pressures, particular­ly given that some states are implementi­ng the increases retrospect­ively, entailing the release of arrears, said Nayar of ICRA.

“Additional­ly, the HRA revision at the state level may have a similar impact as that at the central government level, on the housing inflation,” she added.

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