Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Jordan’s king, Modi to address session

- Jayanth Jacob jayanth.jacob@hindustant­imes.com

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narenda Modi and Jordan’s King Abdullah II will address an event themed on measures against radicalisa­tion of youth, as part of New Delhi’s “holistic plan” to counter extremism and terrorism, senior government officials said on Tuesday.

The Jordanian king arrives in India for a state visit on February 27.

The event at Vigyan Bhavan will be attended by religious scholars and policy makers, who will listen to the two leaders speaking on steps the countries need to take against efforts to radicalise young people, the officials added.

“This event shows the importance the two countries attach to the issue of extremism and terrorism and a belief that a holistic approach is needed -they cannot be defeated by the use of force alone”, said an external affairs ministry official, who asked not to be named.

Modi had met King Abdullah II in Amman en route to Palestine earlier this month.

Officials said the return visit was a continuati­on of the antiterror efforts that India is making with the Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Ara- bia. “The running theme in all these efforts is the same — countries must coordinate to counter radicalisa­tion and misuse of religion by groups and countries for inciting hatred and justifying terrorism”, said another government official.

“The king has been urging all against the Takfiri ideology (the so-called radical practice of declaring one’s enemies to be infidels). His standing in the fight against terrorism and radicalisa­tion is something every country welcomes and supports,” said the first official.

India’s efforts include sharing best practices in disrupting the use of the internet and social media for promotion of extremist and violent ideologies, and to not allow religious centres to radicalise young people and recruit terrorist cadres, the officials said.

 ??  ?? King Abdullah II
King Abdullah II

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