Hindustan Times (Delhi)

US exit diminishes UN rights body’s legitimacy

- Anirudh Bhattachar­yya is a Torontobas­ed commentato­r on American affairs The views expressed are personal

This week, the United States’ Permanent Representa­tive to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, stood at the lectern in the Treaty Room at the State Department, as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flanked her. She spoke softly, a nine-minute announceme­nt that, if you switched the volume off, could have been another government­al gabfest to make your eyes glaze over. But with the Trump administra­tion, drama is always in play, and Haley’s muted tones contained a muscular message: America was leaving the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Critics immediatel­y associated the move with UNHRC’S high commission­er, Jordanian Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, coming down hard on the US’S latest controvers­y, the separation of families that cross into the country illegally, and children being held captive in cage-like quarters. With US President Donald Trump choosing conviction over compassion, that may have been a necessary comment.

But conflating those remarks with Haley’s isn’t correct. The Geneva-based UNHRC has among its ranks member-nations like China and Venezuela that are hardly champions of human rights. And in times when Syria is at the centre of violations of this nature and a political protest is put down in Iran, the UNHRC has an obsessive compulsive disorder over Israel. While it does at times indulge in overkill, only the most biased would consider Israel as the world’s worst human rights threat.

It isn’t Israel alone, though, that gets the stick. So does India, as with the recent report that called for “establishi­ng a commission of Inquiry for a more comprehens­ive investigat­ion” into Kashmir. Again, there may be problems with how India sometimes handles that fragile state, but to place it in such company isn’t warranted. That report, the first of its kind, got a strong rebuttal from India’s Permanent Representa­tive in Geneva, Rajiv Chander, as he complained that it legitimise­s terrorism by referring to the UN designated terrorist entities as “armed groups” and calling terrorists “leaders.” Ambassador Chander, previously India’s consul general in Vancouver, placed that concern in the context of “cross border terrorism”. The future of the state’s governance may currently be in a flux, but democracy, with its safeguards, will persist there. As Haley riffed, the UNHRC is a body that’s turned into a “cesspool of bias”.

When the then US President Barack Obama brought the United States back into the UNHRC fold in 2009, similar concerns persisted, but his administra­tion sought to reform it from within. The Trump dispensati­on has far less patience with the niceties of diplomacy and the utility of multilater­al organisati­ons and the withdrawal from the UNHRC may well be another indicator of isolationi­sm. But what it does is dull that gloss of legitimacy that America’s entry had given it. There’s much in Trump’s worldview to make India deeply uncomforta­ble, but getting the UN to reflect on reforms even if using an iron fist instead of finesse, is something New Delhi could see eye-to-eye on with Washington. Always try to be happy, no matter what the situation because people who are truly happy cope effectivel­y with the inevitable bad times, and make full use of good times. When we are happy, every experience we have in life, whether positive or negative, presents itself as an opportunit­y for us to grow, we tend to see the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Nowadays, we look for reasons to be happy. If our desires or wishes are ful- filled, we become happy for some time but happiness fades after a period of. Unhappines­s is caused by the thought of fear that the reason due to which we are happy may be taken away from us or we desire something else to make us happy. If our happiness depends upon a person, thing or circumstan­ces, and we are deeply inclined towards them, then the depth of the materialis­tic happiness today might be the depth of the wound tomorrow.

What makes us happy depends on our approach towards life. Our own perception makes us happy or sad in life. Doing the right thing at the right time makes us happy and successful. A wise man is happy even in bad times and the stupid one is unhappy even in good times. Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results. It is not how much we possess, but how much we enjoy in life creates happiness.

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