Hindustan Times (Delhi)


- HT Correspond­ent

NEW DELHI: Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has directed the health department to start the procedure for procuremen­t of high quality anti-pollution masks ahead of Diwali. Providing masks to the public is one of the measures under the seven-point action plan announced by the Delhi government to tackle peak air pollution post-diwali.

“We have asked the health department to start procuremen­t of N-95, which are the best quality masks for battling air pollution, immediatel­y. Public health is our top priority. Since post-diwali, many people, in particular, the elderly face breathing difficulti­es, we plan to make the masks available before the season approaches,” said a senior Delhi government official.


The Delhi government’s environmen­t department is planning to deploy more than 272 environmen­t marshals – one marshal for each municipal ward – during the winter this year.

“The marshals had been withdrawn in April, when air quality improved after the winter season. This time, however, we are planning to deploy around 272 marshals on the ground,” said a senior official of the environmen­t department.

The Delhi Home Guards directorat­e has trained more than 2,500 personnel this year.

“This year we have trained more than 2500 personnel as environmen­t marshals. They are ready to be deployed if the situations warrants,” said Bipin Bihari Choudhary, commandant of Home Guards.

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