Hindustan Times (Delhi)

In law, language matters. Shed archaic terms, and make legislatio­n accessible to all


If law is to be the bedrock of our lives in India, conversati­ons, debates and disagreeme­nts about the law cannot remain the preserve of lawyers and judges alone. The rule of law requires citizens to feel bound by the law, and like with most things that bind us, have an opinion on it. Unfortunat­ely, meaningful conversati­ons about the law outside the fortified walls of the legal fraternity and the intelligen­tsia are scarcely possible.

With nearly every other sentence in an act of Parliament averaging more than 50 words, often comprising rare gems such as “inter vivos” and “mutatis mutandis”, laws are designed to obstruct mass understand­ing. When such archaic lawmaking practices are perpetuate­d in 21st century India, it demonstrat­es a lack of original thinking, and more important, self-worth as a nation.

Not only is this practice perpetuate­d, but the legislativ­e department at the ministry of law and justice also appears to know no other way to draft a law. Take, for example, the simple matter of declaring a regional centre for biotechnol­ogy as an institutio­n of national importance in Section 4 of the Regional Centre for Biotechnol­ogy Act, 2016. The section reads:

“Whereas the objects of the institutio­n known as the Regional Centre for Biotechnol­ogy are such as to make the institutio­n one of national importance, it is hereby declared that the institutio­n known as the Regional Centre for Biotechnol­ogy is an institutio­n of national importance.”

While this may appear par for the course for a lawyer, it is plainly nothing short of an absurd tautology. Further it uses syntax (“whereas the objects”/ “it is hereby declared”) that makes understand­ing difficult. The Hindi version is even more difficult to understand, and arguably, incorrect, in its translatio­n.

Imagine an alternativ­e which will have the same legal effect:

“The Regional Centre for Biotechnol­ogy is declared as an institutio­n of national importance. This declaratio­n is on the basis of its objectives as an institutio­n.”

To traditiona­lists, this formulatio­n may seem inexact. But it is a bogey that to be precise, the language to be used must be verbose, complex and unnatural. Such language is simply a Victorian legacy imposed on a population, the majority of which neither understood English nor law. Proof of its superfluit­y lies in the fact that even in England, legislatio­n drafting is now in plain language. It is ironic that the legislativ­e department of the Government of India continues to be more loyal than the king.

To others, the suggested change may appear to be a merely cosmetic one. While it is admittedly a surface-level change, its implicatio­ns for democracy run deep. If laws are drafted in vernacular languages and English as commonly spoken in India, they would allow for easier understand­ing. Easier understand­ing would reduce interpreti­ve wrangles that courts face with poor legislativ­e drafting.

This would save judicial time and have a salutary effect on reducing judicial delays. This, in turn, would improve the ease of doing business, and provide quicker justice to citizens.

India’s law and justice framework is one of the last bastions of practices associated with colonial rule. Many of these practices — respect for an independen­t judiciary, an authoritat­ive body of common law, insistence on procedural propriety, have created greater public confidence in the law and the courts. But several practices, verbose lawmaking being one of them, are anachronis­ms.

If our conversati­ons for a better tomorrow are to encompass the law, we must be able to make sense of our laws in the first place. To do this, India must be original and shed its colonial detritus of Victorian lawmaking. It is time for simpler laws drafted in plain language that the common person can understand.

Arghya Sengupta is research director, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy The views expressed are personal

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