Hindustan Times (Delhi)

Sequence of putting on PPE



Fully cover torso wrap around the back

authoritie­s for better material,” said Dr Piyush Pushkar Singh of the Hindu Rao Hospital’s Resident Doctors’ Associatio­n.

Federation of Resident Doctors’ Associatio­ns president, Dr Shivaji Barman, said, “As far as doctors and health workers quitting in some hospitals... I think those are individual decisions. The resident doctors can complain

Outside of n gloves are contaminat­ed

Using a n gloved hand, grasp the palm area of the other gloved hand and peel off first glove


Remove goggles or n face shield from the back by lifting head band or ear pieces

Hold removed n glove in gloved hand

Similarly n remove gown and mask to the hospital authoritie­s if there is a shortage.” Officials said the Union health ministry has designated public-sector undertakin­g HLL Lifecare Limited, as the single window procuremen­t agency for PPES. An HLL executive responsibl­e for procuremen­t refused to comment.

Preventive Wear Manufactur­ers’ Associatio­n of India chairman, n n n

Slide fingers of n ungloved hand under remaining glove at wrist and peel off second glove over first glove Sanjiv Relhan, said, “Manufactur­ers are not able to comply with government guidelines. The material cannot be sent for testing because of the lockdown. This needs to be addressed urgently.”

The health ministry announced it will procure a million masks from other countries and was in talks with Indian manufactur­ers to supply PPES.

 ?? SOURCE: Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, US SOURCE: WHO ??
SOURCE: Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, US SOURCE: WHO
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