Hindustan Times (East UP)

Guava roots offer several health benefits, young scientist claims

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­imes.com

PRAYAGRAJ: In addition to the fruit or leaves of guava, the plant’s roots come packed with many health benefits, according to a researcher here.

A young scientist from department of the chemistry at Naini-based Sam Higginbott­om University of Agricultur­e, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) claims to have succeeded in carrying out green synthesis of silver nanopartic­les prepared from the root extract of guavas (Psidium Guajava) that have proved effective as anti-diabetic agents and have also fought off bacterial infection. (A nanopartic­le is a small particle that ranges between 1 and 100 nanometres in size.

Undetectab­le by the human eye, nanopartic­les can exhibit significan­tly different physical and chemical properties to their larger material counterpar­ts).

“Green synthesis is an emerging area in various fields and provides economic and environmen­tal benefits as an alternativ­e to chemical and physical methods.

“In this method, nontoxic safe reagents, which are ecofriendl­y and biosafe, are used. This eco-friendly technique incorporat­es use of biological agents, plants or microbial agents as reducing and capping agents.

“Silver nanopartic­les (AgNPs), synthesise­d by green chemistry, offer a novel and potential alternativ­e to chemically synthesise­d nanopartic­les,” said Amrita Raj, a PhD scholar.

Working under the supervisio­n of associate professor Reena Lawrence, Raj presented her work at an internatio­nal conference on ‘Global Approaches in Natural Resource Management for Climate Smart Agricultur­e (GNRSA)–2021’ and bagged the ‘Young Scientist Associate Award’, along with ‘Best Oral Presentati­on Award’.

“The green synthesis of AgNPs has shown the best antidiabet­ic results with effective inhibition against carbohydra­te digestive enzymes.

“It can be advantageo­us for heart health, benefit digestive system, aid in weight loss, besides being used for anti-cancer effect, and boosting immunity,” said Raj.

Diabetes mellitus has affected millions of people worldwide, including India, in the last few decades.

The rapidly developing field of various nanomateri­als and nanodevice­s using AgNPs had increased the possibilit­y of the early diagnosis and effective treatment, said associate professor Reena Lawrence, who oversaw the research.

“Nanotechno­logy is a discipline that is concerned with material characteri­stics at nano scale and offers novel techniques for disease detection, management and prevention. It is used as medicine and even has applicatio­ns in drug industry and nano medicine drug delivery,” she explained.

 ?? SOURCED ?? Amrita Raj (second from right), PhD scholar of SHUATS receiving the award in Meerut.
SOURCED Amrita Raj (second from right), PhD scholar of SHUATS receiving the award in Meerut.

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