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‘I’ve never been pregnant, but I hope to have a family’


Actor Alicia Vikander (right) says she hopes to become a mother someday as she always wanted a family of her own. The 28-year-old Oscar-winning actor says whenever she would embrace motherhood, it would be the best experience of her life, reports Elle magazine. “I don’t even have children, and it’s the wonder of my world. I’ve always wanted kids. I’ve never been pregnant, but I hope to have a family one day. It’s both the expectatio­n and knowing that it should be the greatest experience of my life — and suddenly from one day to another, it’s a reality,” she says.

Actor Channing Tatum (left) said his four-yearold daughter Everly despised his romantic dance drama, Step Up. The 37-yearold actor said he was excited to show the 2006 film, which also features his wife, actordance­r Jenna Dewan Tatum, to his little one but she insisted she wanted to see a real movie, reported Elle magazine.

“We were like, This is going to be really cool. It’s got dancing; she’s going to love it. Within 10 seconds, she was like, ‘Can I watch a real movie? I don’t know, like a good one?’ And we were like, ‘What do you mean? This is a real movie. It was such a real movie, they made like seven more of these. Like, you will watch it. Right. Sit down!’

“And then like 10 more seconds went by and she was like, ‘Please can I watch a real movie?’ And we were like, ‘Fine, just put on ‘Moana’. I don’t care’,” Tatum told Jimmy Kimmel on his show.

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