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Eating in the right proportion helps: Madhurima

- Anjali Shetty

Actor Madhurima Tuli, who has acted in projects such as Chandrakan­ta (TV show) and Naam Shabana (film; 2017), is quite a fitness enthusiast. In a freewheeli­ng chat, Tuli reveals her love for sevaiya and how she swears by yoga to stay in shape

One fattening food item that you just can’t resist?

Sevaiya (vermicelli) and halwa made by my mum, as it is absolutely delicious. I can resist eating chocolates and other fattening foods.

How do you get back in shape after a fattening indulgence?

I am extremely particular about my weight. As soon as I start gaining weight, I hit the gym or I do yoga and dance. It is a good way to burn fat. Also, I usually minimise my food consumptio­n for dinner. Like, I have dal or salad consuming more of proteins and less of carbs. That really helps to cut down fats.

Do you prefer mini meals? What do they normally contain?

Yes, I do prefer mini meals like from lunch to dinner. I have my dinner at 8.30 to 9pm and there’s a huge gap in between, so in order to fill that I have almonds, cashew nuts or fruits at around 5.30pm as they containing everything may it be carbohydra­tes, protein, fibre, carbohydra­te, etc. I really enjoy eating it as starving can sometimes lead to putting on more weight. So, eating something in intervals is very essential.

A diet plan that works for you?

Eating healthy and eating in the right proportion has always worked for me. If I eat too much, I tend to put on weight so I make sure that I have a heavy breakfast, minimum lunch, grab a snack in the evening and minimal dinner. So, yes, healthy food and eating in appropriat­e quantity is essential for me.

Do you prefer outdoor or indoor physical activity?

I am an athlete, so, I always enjoy doing outdoor activities. They are rejuvenati­ng. I practice yoga at home at least three to four times a week. I have also joined a gym as I wanted to get more functional and organised. I usually don’t indulge in weight training as I am already muscular and don’t want to pump in more.

What are your favourite physical activities?

My favourite is yoga. I just love it, as it helps tone the entire body, improves blood circulatio­n, calms you down, and reduces stress level. Also, I enjoy functional training.

A health tip that you rely on.

I think eating right is very important. As eating too less or too much and working out can really hamper your body and won’t help you in gaining or losing weight.

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