Hindustan Times (Gurugram) - Hindustan Times (Gurugram) - City

5 beauty benefits of turmeric

- (With inputs from Vrunda Lotlikar, Ayurveda expert, and Abhijit Narayanan, senior medical officer at an Ayurveda hospital)

Beyond providing health benefits, ever wondered what miracles turmeric powder can do as a beauty ingredient? Well, read on:

■ De-pigmentati­on: The applicatio­n of turmeric with honey and lemon on the face for 20 minutes clears blemishes and reduces hyperpigme­ntation. A paste of turmeric powder, triphala and chandan mixed with rose water acts as a natural defoliator and removes hyperpigme­ntation marks from the body.

■ Cures acne: Turmeric is effective in treatment and prevention of acne. Apply a paste of turmeric, sariva (hemidesmus indicus), manjistha chandan (ruba cordifolia), yashtimadh­u (liquorice) and neem over the face for half an hour.

■ Cracked heels: The applicatio­n of aloe vera pulp with a pinch of turmeric over the heels soothes burning sensation of cracked soles. For smooth heels, add a few drops of turmeric oil in two table spoons of coconut oil and apply it over cracked heels every night.

■ Reduces stretch marks: Apply a paste of turmeric powder with khadir and triphala, mixed with almond oil three to four times a week before bathing.

■ Prevents wrinkles: Turmeric helps in healing and also slows the ageing process, keeping the skin supple and diminishin­g wrinkles. Apply a paste of turmeric powder mixed with yogurt. Rinse with water thoroughly after 20 minutes. Use this mask thrice a week for one month to notice an evident change in your skin.


 ?? PHOTO: ISTOCK ?? Turmeric is effective in treating and preventing acnerelate­d problems, and it also helps slow down the ageing process
PHOTO: ISTOCK Turmeric is effective in treating and preventing acnerelate­d problems, and it also helps slow down the ageing process

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