Hindustan Times (Gurugram)



Controvers­ial godman Chandraswa­mi — close friend of one Indian PM and allegedly involved in the assassinat­ion of another — died here on Tuesday.

Chandraswa­mi, who had suffered a stroke, died at the Apollo Hospital at the age of 66.

“Spiritual leader Jagadachar­ya Chandraswa­mi ji, 66 years old, had been ailing for some time. He recently suffered a stroke,” a hospital statement said. It said a multi-organ failure led to his death at 2.56 pm.

Chandraswa­mi’s alleged role in the assassinat­ion of Rajiv Gandhi came up before the Milap Chand Jain commission, which had been set up to probe the conspiracy behind the killing. The panel devoted an entire volume to the godman.

Named Nemi Chand, Chandraswa­mi was a Jain who worshipped the Hindu goddess Ma Kali. He started dabbling in horoscopes when he was young, and shot to fame as an astrologer.

Chandraswa­mi wielded enormous power during the regime of then PM PV Narasimha Rao and was seen as one of Rao’s trusted aides and advisers. Often mired in controvers­y, his name cropped up in investigat­ions into Rajiv Gandhi’s death in a bomb blast executed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

According to reports, the Jain Commission was told that Chandraswa­mi, through his wide internatio­nal links and involvemen­t in major arms and financial deals, arranged the funds for the LTTE. The panel had directed that his role be further probed.

Chandraswa­mi is said to have dispensed spiritual advice to actress Elizabeth Taylor, British PM Margaret Thatcher, arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and underworld don Dawood Ibrahim.

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