Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Don’t drag the discourse down

The president’s office must be above narrow considerat­ions


It is par for the course that most appointmen­ts to high office are needlessly politicise­d these days and it would seem that the presidenti­al post is no exception. It is unfortunat­e that Union minister and Lok Janshakti Party leader Ram Vilas Paswan should have chosen to drag the discourse down by saying that anyone opposing the candidatur­e of Ram Nath Kovind as president will be seen as anti-Dalit. He went on to say this choice was a `tight slap’ for those who branded the Modi government as anti-Dalit. The Opposition meanwhile is said to be trying to put up another Dalit candidate to counter this, further reducing the level of the debate.

The office of the president should be above all caste, religious or gender considerat­ions. The candidate should not be part of a larger political agenda on the part of either the government or the Opposition. No one doubts the credential­s of Ram Nath Kovind or the fact that him being chosen is a victory for equal opportunit­y. Similarly, when KR Narayanan became president much was made of his Dalit credential­s, quite overlookin­g his distinguis­hed diplomatic career. If the government and Opposition were serious about giving the Dalits a level playing field, they must go much beyond this move. Dalits need education, healthcare and jobs, something which politician­s pay lip service to come elections. They are also often subject to caste violence and ostracisat­ion in a casteist society. This should be addressed.

In recent times, we have seen attacks on Dalits in various parts of the country. This is what should exercise political parties. As of now, it would seem that the NDA has the numbers to carry the day. Even if the Opposition were to put up a candidate, and it seems likely that it will, all parties should resolve to keep the discussion from degenerati­ng into a political fight. As of now, the NDA is being accused of playing the Dalit card. This is to do a disservice to Mr. Kovind who has come up on his own merit and has not played any card. The office of the first citizen should really float above the fray and if going forward, the debate can be kept as non-partisan as possible, this would set the right benchmark for the future.

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