Hindustan Times (Gurugram)


- Sant Rajinder Singh n Innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

Whether we are working in the field of business, education, medicine, informatio­n technology, or running our family, it is good to sit down periodical­ly to take stock of our goals, how far we have met them, and how to set priorities towards their attainment.

It is helpful to stop and ask ourselves, where is our attention going? What are our priorities? We may find that we spend too much time and attention in the monetary aspect of our life or our careers at the cost of neglecting our families, our personal growth and our spiritual growth. If so, we may want to look at balancing out our life. Many of us become so absorbed trying to amass money that we neglect other aspects of our life.

There is nothing wrong in earning a livelihood. However, when earning money becomes all-consuming at the neglect of our health, our family, or our spiritual growth, then we may be leading an imbalanced life. We can attend to our responsibi­lities in the world and towards our families as well as to our spiritual developmen­t.

If we look at the lives of great Saints and Masters, we find that they spent time in meditation, but they also excelled in their jobs and attending to the needs of their families. There are twenty-four hours in a day. In setting priorities, we can devote some time daily to meditation, some to selfless service, some to our families and some to our jobs. Thus, we will find that we will excel in all these areas and will live a full, satisfied life. Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The views expressed are personal

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