Hindustan Times (Gurugram)


Tired of making concerted efforts to turn fit, but to no avail? Well, don’t worry, Gandharv Walia lists some simple ways to achieve success in the endeavour with ease


Complex diet and tiring workout plans can be a dampener at times. The key to achieve fitness is employing an achievable plan with regular modificati­ons. Let us discuss some simple methods to gain fitness.


Metabolism plays a crucial role in the success of any weight loss plan. With the help of some lifestyle changes one can easily jumpstart metabolism. Choosing proteins, such as eggs, beans, peanut butter, nuts, lean meat, and fiber, such as oats, fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables, is beneficial. Minimising refined sugar is also advised. Oats and other low-Glycemic Index carbs maintain healthy blood sugar levels, making it easier to lose weight.

Sleeping for at least seven hours every night is essential. Setting aside some time to relax is also beneficial in the process. Finding time to simply close eyes, breathe deeply, and forget worries for any duration during the day helps the body to rejuvenate.

By drinking plenty of water every day can lead to a more active metabolism, regardless of dieting. It also helps your body flush out waste or toxins and improves overall health.


Exercising every day in small bursts is important for burning fats, regardless of the time duration and strenuous levels. Be it running for some minutes or using exercising equipment, such as treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike for interval training, the key is to be regular in the endeavour.

Avoid overdoing the exercises and start with three cardio workouts a week. Pushing yourself hard every day doesn’t give the body enough time to recover and build muscle, and could result in injury. It is important to track the progress by timing how long it takes to run a mile. As cardiovasc­ular fitness improves, one will notice the improvemen­t in timing.

One can also opt for stairs instead of elevators or walk instead of drive if there is a shortage of time to go for regular workouts.


Reducing calorie consumptio­n holds great importance in any weight loss regime. To get fit, it is crucial to either burn off a considerab­le amount of calories through exercise or eat the same amount of calories less than you burn in a week. An honest assessment of eating habits by writing down everything one consumes in a week is a good habit to be inculcated to gain fitness. Use a calorie calculator to figure out the amount of calories one is consuming in a day and act accordingl­y.


Although one should not measure progress with the help of a soft tape in the beginning, it is essential after a period of two months. Also try to weigh yourself at the same time each day.


Achieving fitness can be exhausting many a time. It makes staying motivated to go for workouts regularly necessary to achieve the goals. One can do it along with a partner to stay focused.

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