Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Guarded praise for Modi in UK media

- Prasun Sonwalkar Prasun.Sonwalkar@hindustant­imes.com

LONDON: The British press on Saturday extended a cautious welcome to news from India that Narendra Modi — who was the focus of much critical comment in the build-up to the elections — has won a landslide victory and is set to be the next Prime Minister.

Besides reports from India, the Modi coverage included photos of celebratio­ns, editorials and comment by columnists. The dominant theme in the British press so far has been that Modi will not be a good PM, at home and abroad.

Reflecting pro-business hopes aroused by the results, Financial Times was the only major newspaper that had Modi on the front page, with a photo of him with his mother, and one full page inside focussed on the elections.

The Indian-origin editor of The Independen­t, Amol Rajan, who strongly criticised Modi before the elections, hailed India’s democracy, but added that “any man who refuses to answer questions about his involvemen­t in the Gujarat massacre of 2002… is betraying the legacy of India’s founding fathers”.

The Independen­t’s report from New Delhi was titled: ‘A Prime Minister for all Indians?’

The Times published photos of celebratio­ns and commented in an editorial titled ‘Mr Modi’s challenge: The new Indian leader has to fire up the economy and refrain from autocratic rule’.

Reporting the election results over two pages, including a photo of Modi with his mother, The Guardian profiled him with the title ‘Pariah to PM: outsider raised in poverty rattles Delhi elite’.

‘Chai wallah’s son who earned a reputation for ruthlessne­ss’ was the title of Modi’s profile in The Daily Telegraph.

Meanwhile, Modi supporters donned the Indian tricolour, sang and danced on the streets of London, Leicester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leeds. Organised by the Overseas Friends of BJP (UK) and i4unity. org (mainly comprising young profession­als), the collective viewing events attracted hundreds of people in various locations. Queensbury in Harrow saw one of the biggest celebratio­ns.

 ??  ?? BJP supporters sang and danced on the streets of London, Leicester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leeds on Friday.
BJP supporters sang and danced on the streets of London, Leicester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leeds on Friday.

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