Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)


- KARAN THAPAR The views expressed are personal

Politician­s like to please which is why populism comes easily to them. The opposite is also true. Policies or decisions that are painful are viewed as signs of rectitude and good governance. In India we’re accustomed to government­s taking the easy way out rather than the tough decisions necessary.

However, a recent decision by the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi shatters the belief government­s act responsibl­y with a high vision in mind. According to the Press Trust of India, the Delhi government has decided that residents of different localities will be given the power to decide whether neighbourh­ood liquor shops can continue or be shut down.

A beguilingl­y simple process has been devised. If you believe a liquor shop is a “nuisance” – whatever that might mean – all you need do is approach your MLA or district administra­tion, who will then call a meeting of the Residents Welfare Associatio­n which will, in turn, by majority vote, decide its future. Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia has said this process can be initiated by 10% of residents.

Well, I have little doubt many, if not most, liquor shops will be closed. The argument will be they are responsibl­e for creating drunkards and spreading alcoholism. But that’s specious, if not foolish. The existence of alcohol or its sale is not the problem. It’s the inability of some human beings to drink in moderation that is the cause. Closing down nearby liquor shops will not prevent a drunkard or alcoholic procuring from one that’s further away.

However, this is an appalling decision for more fundamenta­l reasons. It allows the power of a brute majority to decide that what they don’t like cannot be permitted. Unfortunat­ely, whether hypocritic­ally or honestly, the majori- ty of Indians always claim not to drink and to be in favour of making alcohol difficult, if not impossible, to buy. Yet those who drink have a right to be able to buy alcohol easily and without trekking long distances. This, for many, is the hallmark of a cosmopolit­an society.

Now, after this precedent will the Delhi government give the power to vegetarian­s to ban the sale of meat or restaurant­s that serve it in local communitie­s? Logically that could follow. And what about the power to prevent Muslims from buying or renting properties in your neighbourh­ood? Or Dalits? Might that be next? After all, many, perhaps even a majority of Hindus, would prefer not to live beside either.

Bombay already has housing communitie­s where Muslims find it impossible to rent or buy although it’s never admitted that’s because of their faith. It has others where, more openly and even, occasional­ly, boastfully, nonvegetar­ians are not permitted. Do we really want to import such ghastly behaviour? Bombay, admittedly, is embarrasse­d but unable to rectify the situation. Now Mr. Kejriwal and his government seem to be opening the door, willingly and with their eyes open, to something similar in Delhi.

I wonder if Mr. Kejriwal realises that an enlightene­d government is one that doesn’t pursue populism but acts in a higher interest. This is why government­s abolish the death penalty even though there’s a popular clamour to retain it or decriminal­ise homosexual­ity despite the fact most voters carry deep-rooted prejudices they rarely hide. If he drank he might accept there’s a bigger principle in permitting liquor shops to function than in allowing the narrow-minded to shut them down.

Perhaps this is what the Romans meant when they coined the phrase in vino veritas?

 ?? PTI ?? Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia
PTI Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia
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