Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Khan Academy set to launch content in regional languages

GO DESI The online provider of educationa­l videos will offer content in Gujarati, Bengali and Hindi by next year

- Sarah Zia sarah.z@livemint.com

NEWDELHI: Khan Academy, a nonprofit education organisati­on, is set to launch content in Indian languages. By 2018, the online provider of educationa­l videos is expected to release content in Gujarati, Bengali and Hindi. “Currently, the content on Khan Academy’s portal which is also tailored to the Indian curriculum is available in English,” said Sandeep Bapna, managing director, Khan Academy India. “The vernacular content will not be dubbed but will be recustomis­ed in local languages to tap the hinterland market in India.”

To this end, Khan Academy entered into an agreement with the Karnataka government which will be recreating the content in Kannada for use across government schools in the state. According to Bapna, collaborat­ing with the state government is one of the fastest ways of scaling the content available on the portal in local languages. “This content will be hosted on sub-domains and students can choose whether they would prefer content in English or their mother tongue,” he added.

Explaining the need for recreating the content in local languaarts Khan Academy founder and CEO Salman Khan Bapna said that this was not just a content library but more like a personaliz­ed tutor. “The portal has content which tracks a user’s progress and suggests recommenda­tions accordingl­y with the audio in the background sounding like one’s friend,” he elaborated.

While the portal provides content related to maths, science and engineerin­g, computing, and humanities, economics and finance as well as preparator­y material for tests such as SAT and GMAT, only the maths and physics content has been mapped to the Indian curriculum.

This includes roughly 5,500 videos and over 20,000 exercises across the two subjects. “While the focus is on maths and physics currently, we plan to map other subjects such as social science as well to the Indian curriculum By the end of 2018,” said Bapna.

An estimated 1 million users from India access the content on Khan Academy. The content is also accessible over the app where users can access lowbandwid­th videos.

Further, the second edition of an India Talent Search has been launched to scout for content creators in English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi and Tamil. The search is aimed at identifyin­g those who could create lucid explanator­y videos for complex concepts.

“We are not going to judge entry videos for production values but on how one chooses to explain a concept,” said Bapna. The last date for sending entries is 17 December.

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