Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)


- Ashutosh Varshney (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

The universe is always neutral and all the things labelled by a person as right or wrong are subjective, are only according to an individual’s belief system. Two people born in similar circumstan­ces, and exposed to similar opportunit­ies can have different destinies because of their belief system. Belief systems act as a lens through which a person sees the world, it is what a person believes to be true.

We all have different beliefs and opinions about various aspects of life like: god, destiny, heaven, miracle, ghosts, afterlife, love, etc. These intangible identities and concepts do not possess any physical evidence, so it is difficult for some people to believe in it. Their mind fails to fathom these unseen things or realities even after much deliberati­on. What a person thinks to be true without any evidence becomes her core belief which defines her life, manifestin­g her desires. A lack of belief is always the main cause why some people are unable to manifest what they desire.

To be successful, one should understand the major beliefs that influence the work. If you believe you are fragile, the biochemist­ry of your body unquestion­ably obeys and manifests it. If you believe you are tough, your body mirrors it. Beliefs run in the background, like the operating system running in a computer. So, stick to positive beliefs and see the outcome.

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