Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)




The National Council for  Teacher Education (Amendment) Bill passed in the Lok Sabha. It gives recognitio­n to more teacher training institutes The Negotiable  Instrument­s (Amendment)

Bill passed in Lok Sabha. It defines penalties for bouncing of cheques, among other things, thereby addressing the legal logjam currently caused by several cases related to bounced cheques. The Specific Relief  (Amendment) Bill cleared by the Rajya Sabha. It aims to provide a remedy to workers whose contractua­l rights have been violated


The Motor Vehicles

(Amendment) Bill: It aims to increase penalties for drunken driving and allow a single tax and permit system. The bill is likely to be passed on Tuesday but it could encounter rough weather. Congress’ BK Hari Prasad said it dilutes the power of states. TMCs’ Manish Gupta opposed the bill on the grounds that the Centre seeks to “abrogate to itself all powers and controls required” The Ancient Monuments and  Archaeolog­ical Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill: It could not be debated in the Upper House after leader of the opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad, said, “Since this Bill has not gone to the standing committee... it should be referred to a select committee.” The chair asked the parliament­ary affairs minister to speak to parties. The bill allows constructi­on in prohibited areas under certain conditions

 ??  ?? Bills introduced: The Lok Sabha introduced six Bills on Monday, with five of them aimed to replace ordinances
Bills introduced: The Lok Sabha introduced six Bills on Monday, with five of them aimed to replace ordinances

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