Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)



In my last column I wrote about the government trespassin­g on the autonomy of other institutio­ns. This week I am writing about incursions in the public sector. In his biography of PN Haksar, Jairam Ramesh says the civil servant who was so influentia­l, so close to Indira Gandhi that he was described as her alter ego, was a prime mover in the “high noon” of nationalis­ation, 1972. But only two years later, Haksar angrily denounced the way the public sector was being managed and, in particular, condemned the interferen­ce by politician­s and civil servants in the management of public sector companies saying, “remote control from the secretaria­t in New Delhi is exercised by men, both politician­s and civil servants, who have no knowledge, and even less experience of running enterprise­s of any sort, unless self-advancemen­t could legitimate­ly be called an enterprise”.

This chronic trespassin­g on the autonomy of public sector companies may no longer occur but their use by the government for its own purposes continues. From time to time, the Life Insurance Corporatio­n of India (LIC) has been called on to disguise failed privatisat­ions as successes by buying shares no one else wanted.

Now we hear that the National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) is to be obliged to mount yet another rescue operation for the nationalis­ed Air India, following the failure of the recent attempt to privatise it. The NSSF also plans to invest ~1.3 trillion in government agencies like the Food Corporatio­n of India. Such decisions are always taken to save the government of the day.

Indian Railways has been dealing with its over manning by a policy of natural wastage. But with the election in sight and the government facing allegation­s that economic growth has not created jobs, the government has told the railways to recruit 127,000 people. Will the new recruits add to the efficiency of the railway or will they just get in the way as surplus manpower always does? The last time the railways advertised jobs, 9.2 million people applied. Applicants frustrated this time may perhaps vent their anger on the government.

The LIC, the NSSF, and the railways are all central government institutio­ns, so the Press brings political interferen­ce in their affairs to our attention. Almost forgotten is the interferen­ce in the public sector at the state level. Chairmansh­ips are handed out to MLAs as consolatio­n prizes for failing to get into the cabinet.

The chief minister of a northeaste­rn state recently appointed 10 MLAs among the 49 people he chose as heads of government corporatio­ns and boards. The chairman of a stateowned company and two MLAs have been given cabinet status. RSS members and former chief secretarie­s have also been rewarded with chairmansh­ips. How many have any qualificat­ions to head their enterprise­s?

Haryana has 37 boards and corporatio­ns. A sad story from there illustrate­s my point. Two women made such a success of breathing new life into the Khadi and Village Industries Board while serving as the chief minister’s Good Governance Associates that at the end of their one-year term, the CEO of the board wanted to give them jobs as advisers.

Three times they were called to Chandigarh to discuss terms. Three times they were assured appointmen­t letters would follow. Three times they didn’t. After three months, they are seeking jobs elsewhere. Sources in the board told them the chairperso­n, a political appointee with no experience in Khadi, refused to sign the letters because she had personal ideas about who should be appointed.

Nobody knows how much government money must be wasted by political interferen­ce in the government corporatio­ns and boards in states in India all these years.

The views expressed are personal

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