Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)



Latest NAS data shows that the liquidity shock due to demonetisa­tion could have increased preference for cash among India’s households, probably to replenish their cash reserves which had to be deposited in banks.

Share of cash in gross financial savings of households jumped to more than 25% in 2017-18, the year after demonetisa­tion, the highest ever since 2011-12. Data after 2017-18 is not available.

The share of savings in cash in 2017-18, also increased significan­tly as value of total currency in circulatio­n this 2017-18.

This has been accompanie­d by a decline in share of deposits in households savings.

Urge to increase cash hoardings could have prevented spending and triggered deflationa­ry expectatio­ns among households, thus contributi­ng to the current slowdown in the Indian economy.

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